A wee apolagy from me

Violet wolf - I've missed you where have you been lass? 😉 I'm sorry youre experiencing drama also. Please come here and confide in me if you need to hunni, I'd be more than willing to help you if I possibly can.

Thanks for your lovely post it's much appreciated hunni 😙💟xx

Alechia - don't be daft, you've absolutely nought to apologize for sweetie. You needed support in the night and I was & am more than happy to give it to you anytime you need 😙

Aye he'll is a rubbish place to be however I'm there and there's nought I can do about it other than make others feel good and if I can help you I'm a very hAppy lass 😍😆

That's a beautiful thing you said just there "you lift me up, shelter me under your wings, may the light of the universe shine on you in your need" thanks so much lovely 😙
It's just rubbish that bad stuff happens to good folk like me & oh. 💟xx

you're always the chirpiest here and stop most of us going into melt odwn every day. you deserve your turn to kick up a fuss. I didn't see what happened but I'm sure no one is truly hurt by it and you certainly add more positivity than negativiity to the forums x

slinky I am rushed today checking the forum so havent read the whole thread... but serioulsy hon just take a deep breath this is A COMMUNITy we are all here to support one another as best we can. Some days are good and others not so good... do not stress over it.

Virutal Hugs coming your way.

Vanessa8 wrote:

slinky I am rushed today checking the forum so havent read the whole thread... but serioulsy hon just take a deep breath this is A COMMUNITy we are all here to support one another as best we can. Some days are good and others not so good... do not stress over it.

Virutal Hugs coming your way.

Hope youre not working too hard hunni. Its been a difficult time due to one thing and another of late which I'm dealing with slowly and surely. I'm going to take sevrel deep breaths and try to get things in order. I do love the fact that this is a community and everyone is here for eachother to support as best we can 😊 I hope that I'm due good days soon as there's too many bad ones lately 😭 I'm sure that good times will come, me and oh defiantly deserve it. Cheers for your lovely post hunni 💟xx

Young and fun95 wrote:

you're always the chirpiest here and stop most of us going into melt odwn every day. you deserve your turn to kick up a fuss. I didn't see what happened but I'm sure no one is truly hurt by it and you certainly add more positivity than negativiity to the forums x

Aww cheers hunni that's very kind of you to say 😊 I love being chirpy although I've got so much crap going on right now. I just feel I let myself and my oh down by discussing our personal business (ill health and financial concerns. Anuhow I'm going to do my upmost best to be my usually chirpy self. It may take a few days though as my heads all over the place right now unfortunately 😔 Thanks again for your lovely post and kind words hunni 💟xx