Anal douche recommendations

If you can find the product page on the shopping site, you can paste a link to it :+1:

The Great Big Photo Guide has all the photo rules, but here are some of the points that may apply to you :slight_smile:

As images are only allowed in certain areas of the forum only Trust Level 2 Members can upload them, but it’s not a rigorous hurdle to clear. :slightly_smiling_face: It takes about 15 visits, an hour or so of reading, and a couple of Likes, and you’re in. :+1: You can find more information in Trust Levels?

As long as an image is within the Photo Rules then it will be welcome in the Your Photos category. The only images allowed in all areas of the forum are YouTube clips and Lovehoney website images (product photos and website graphics). All other photos/images/diagrams/cave paintings must be posted to a topic in Your Photos for moderator approval before they go live on the site.