Anti anime

Hi Morbidia hun!!


Hey TB *waves cheekily* hehe

x x x

I will point out that hentai doesn't always mean "sexually peverse" It is more often used to mean "kinky"

The kanji itself are different and mean wierd, different - appearance, attitude.

The child like appearance of all the characters, both male and female originates more from the open minded sexual preferences.

It was once said in japan that a man should have a man between 20-30, a woman between 30-40 and settle from his 50's. Mind you this was at a time when you were considered lucky to be out of the wars at 20, near the 1600's. Funny, a lot of philosophy appeared around 1600's especially after the battle of sekigahara.

Personally it does nothing for me. A friend of mine is well into his manga, and some of it is fantastic, as are japanese drama series and films. But hentai pushes all the boundaries of most cultures.

I think anime charecters are cute. I think people need to more open minded in the UK/US. Japan when you see them on tv seem so much more open and ready to explore hense why they usually think of things first. Most of the technology we use every day is thanks to the japanese. If they werent so open minded i dont think we would have the things we have today. Also look at their society, guns are banned even police officers cant have them and look how peacful things seem there. I think we could learn something from them but first i think we need to stop scrutinising them for a bit of harmless fantacy.