Attracted to women or a pervert

I was in a local shopping centre recently going upstairs on an escalator. The woman in front of me was stunning with a short skirt on. When near the top I looked forward to get off and could clearly see up her skirt. I found the experience enjoyable. Is this normal or am I a pervert ?

If my partner had an experience like that he'd look away and probably feel awkward about it, knowing that the woman would probably feel uncomfortable and embarrassed if she knew what he had saw. I think it's polite to look away in those situations (rather than continuing to look or stare), but I don't think it's uncommon to feel excited by seeing something you shouldn't have.

NatandTom wrote:

If my partner had an experience like that he'd look away and probably feel awkward about it, knowing that the woman would probably feel uncomfortable and embarrassed if she knew what he had saw. I think it's polite to look away in those situations (rather than continuing to look or stare), but I don't think it's uncommon to feel excited by seeing something you shouldn't have.

^ +1

It would be different if you were actively going out of your way to look up people's skirts- that would make people uncomfortable for selfish reasons, which makes it not okay in my book. But accidentally catching a glimpse and liking what you see isn't perverted in the slightest.

So long as a person exersises common decency in the things they do, who cares?

I would say its not perverted if it happens by accident. But it would be bad to keep staring.

The other day while on train I caught a sight of couple having sex. They were relatively well hidden but I like the views of that lake so I always observe. I admit it made me bit excited but not pervert. I mean I was not looking for couples having sex

It's dangerous to look in a different direction whilst walking up stairs. Always think of your safety. Eyes forward at all times. If someone's butt is waggling straight in front of you that's the consequence of stair safety πŸ‘πŸΌ

Why be one or the other? Be both and embrace diversity.

It did make me feel uncomfortable but it happened I was not looking to do this. Later in the day I used the escalator again and waited to be on my own when going up

I wonder if this isn't an example of a statement of today's society where everything that we do or say seems to be scrutenized for anything that might be offensive.

I mean come on. There can not be very many adult women that do not know that when we wear a mini and walk up the stairs or the escalator that people at the bottom are gonna be able to see up the skirt.

What woman in her right mind is possibly going to be justified in taking offense if a guy looks.

We need to start taking accountability for our own actions and stop worrying about being offended.

When I go out in short skirts and dresses, I know that it is up to me to keep my legs closed and stay off the stairs if I don't want people seeing up. Really though, usually I just don't care.

Now the times I go without panties, I am much more careful of the hemline and stairs.

Guys, don't be ashamed to look. And don't let anyone call you a pervert if you do. Or just don't let it bother you.


As a side note to this , if you remember the buses of the 60s the stairs window was blacked out with darkened glass . It was becasue of the mini skirt being fashionable and prevented guys looking up a skirt from the outside.

As a gentleman i tend to look away .I think as a gentleman you will always get appreciated by the fairer sex , well thats my experience anyway .

But upskirts in general is a fetish as well . But definitlely not a pervert as they would hang about all day on the escalaters for "cheap thrills" .

I would say your normal and not a pervert. People look at others, it's human nature. If I saw a nice looking man with an obvious package then yes I'm going to look and when out with hubby if I see a nice looking girl wearing whatever I will jokingly say to hubby did you have a good look? She was nice 😊.

Oh Tony , I wasn't impling you where not a gentlemen by the way .

But I think I will put another twist on this. . Most ladies certainly for casual tend to wear trousers or drivitives of like leggings ,jeggins or whatever. Very few actually wear a skirt for day to daily use unles their line of work demands it eg office worker . Most wear skirts mainly to go out in dressed up , like my Mrs for example .

So just maybe she wanted you to see up her skirt as some sort of thrill for her .

Just a thought .

I don't think you're a pervert Tony especially as you say it was completely accidental and as long as you're not actively seeking out women with short skirts on escalators I don't think anyone would class you as one .
Although I think you did the sensible thing in using the escalator on your own the second time because it only takes one person to take offence if they think you're looking inappropriately to cause all sorts of problems !

You're not a pervert...just a normal guy ! I'd would have had a sneaky look too ;) x

I'm in the minority group as I way a skirt or dress 9 times out of 10, firstly because I'm a girlie girl, secondly because I find them more comfortable and thirdly because I feel I compliment my hubbys masculinity. This is my personal choice and not for any religious reason whatsoever (in case you were wondering). I don't wear them to draw attention to myself and I wear all styles, including mini skirts but with opaque tights to keep my modesty.
One thing I have noticed though is that men and even some women are more gentle towards me, are more respectful and hold doors open for me etc. Yes I do get a lot of people say oh you look nice, are you going somewhere special even when i wear casual dresses and skirts and I'm like no, I always look like this😊
I think it's a shame that it's got like this, years ago it was the norm for women to wear dresses.
I'm coming off my soap box now 😜

I wear a skirt or dress pretty much whenever I leave the house too LRKB. I hate leggings and jeans these days because I think they make my legs look twice the size and skirts are more slimming. I wear them because they're the most comfortable and make me hate myself slightly less, not because I want a mans attention! I always get the 'are you going anywhere special?' thing too, but I never am, usually just off to the doctors or something!

I don't think your a pervert for looking at something that appears in your face with no control it's quite normal in my eyes to have a look however if maybe you followed her to the next set of stairs or escalator that might be a bit too much , also on a side note I don't think all women wear skirts just to be looked at , it is everyone's right to wear what they want and it not automatically be a sexual thing

NatandTom - I'm glad I'm not on my own. I agree with the legs look better aspect too as I feel much the same with my chunky thighs πŸ˜ƒ

Definitely not a pervert and I wouldn't have conciously taken an escalator alone afterwards.

Unless everyone wears a habit and goes around with there eyes shut you are going to see something like that at some point. Otherwise each time we see women in tight or low cut tops, wearing nice high heels or a guy wearing tight jeans, tight top, we will have to look away.

To be a pervert you have to make a concious decision to do something abnormal or unacceptable. To me as long as you're not going out of your way to have a better look, invading her space or trying to touch them we are all good.

Terri JJ wrote:

You're not a pervert...just a normal guy ! I'd would have had a sneaky look too ;) x

Im with you i couldn't help it haha