Convincing partner to let a friend join us for threesome


So my partner and I both want a threesome. He's mostly wanting the two girls with him, while I want both.

A mutual friend of ours, who has confessed he fancies me anyway, I think would be perfect to join us as I sorta like him as well (though I would NEVER play away! I'm devoted) because it would get it out of his system, and it would be fun. But he will not even consider having the fun with someone we know/would ever see again. Personally I'd prefer someone I know because then I can trust them.

Any suggestions on what I can say to my fiance to let him see it differently? Or should I just compromise?

Thank you!

SS x

Woah, can of worms!

I think if you choice someone you know it will ruin a friendship and make your oh jealous every time he sees him etc

bringing a friend in sounds like a really bad idea, i'd never ever do it

I agree with all comments so far, 3somes with somebody you know is bound tol promote jealousy.

There has been a recent thread about this with some really really good suggestions from many of the people on this forum. If you can afford it, a professional escort seems a great idea, one-off with no emotion and will provide whatever needs you are looking for. Just make sure they practice protected sex for obvious reasons.