Do you remember your first toy?

Mine was one of those old style bullets with a cord that led to a little remote with a roller wheel to control the vibrations. Got to say that even with my extensive collection i loved it. When it have up the ghost i bought a similar one from LH. I dont use it much with everything else i have but when i do its a little rocket!!


My first ever toy was a 7ā€ dildo I think or might have been a started kit with multiple toys


I wanted one before and we talked about it but my boyfriend got me a rabbit for my 18th birthday. It got a lot of use before it broke and I needed to try other toys.

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My older sister bought me a male blow-up doll for my 18th. Letā€™s just say that didnā€™t get any useā€¦

The first toy I bought for myself wasnā€™t until I was 19 (which was only 4 years ago, which is wild), and that was a basic bullet vibe that looked like a lipstick. It ran on batteries and the button on it malfunctioned maybe less than a year later?

Fast forward to now and the toybox has definitely expanded a lot more than I thought it would, with toys that are far more exciting! :smiling_imp:


A small black wand vibrator. It blew my partners mind at the time. A great purchase that led on to many more.

My first one, over 20 years ago now in my teens, was a rabbit but with a big remote battery pack and it came from a well known high street store. It was at the time that vibrators seemed to be becoming more mainstream and talked about (and the Sex In The City episode).

A number of friends had mentioned vibrators and even my mum too, so it wasnā€™t too taboo. I had been masturbating for a few years already so I decided I just wanted to try one but didnā€™t think it would be something I would really much. How wrong I was and I quickly became very enthusiastic about using my vibrator and plenty more since.

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My first toy was a plastic vibrator think it was about 8" long
But it did the job :sweat_drops:

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Someone brought me a blue vibrator for my 18th birthday :joy::joy:
First time Iā€™d ever seen one in person, it wasnt the best, but it did get me interested in purchasing a better one, thatā€™s when I got my first bullet lol

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First for me was one from a vending machine in a club :see_no_evil: when I was about 18 me and my friends got one as a laugh safe to say my collection is much much bigger now :face_with_hand_over_mouth: especially more recently in past year me and the husband are having more fun since we both lost a lot of weight and can move around better :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I got a Mr Flexi from a Soho sex shop back in the 80ā€™s. A seven inch knobbly vibrator for Ā£7 and my first sex toy i used that very night! No lube i was such a newb!


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My first toy was a pound in a seaside shop - it was ivory coloured hard plastic with 1 speed. - I loved it

As a second point as a girl I remember a shop in Cardiff which had in its window marital aids ( vibrators) and I loved to look at them not knowing what you did with them ( I was under 10) can anyone remember this shop down Caroline street


A Durex vibating ring, it was rubbish :grin:.

In a well known high street store out of my town with my then boyfriend (now husband) general browsing as a 19 year old, rather out of my depth.

Looking at rabbits when A much older female walks by and says ā€œgo for a big one girl, otherwise it wonā€™t touch the sides, take it from me- you want to feel the whole of itā€ I was soo embarrassed I grabbed the shiny pink rabbit and ran out of there as quick as I could, thankfully I can now laugh about the whole experience :joy:

My first toy was a rather large teddy bear i won at a feteā€¦ shagged the hell out of it for years !!

Same as @batjamboree ā€¦ day trip to Blackpool and came back with a cheap and nasty flesh coloured dildo (:chicken: looking) with the ivy coloured one shoved down it (the old style where you twist the top to give the single buzz vibration)ā€¦ should of stuck to just a stick of rock :rofl:.

Was not long after that my first online order went in for my first rabbit :rabbit: .

Lolā€¦ I remember seeing one of them twist the top onesā€¦
How times have moved onā€¦ Thank god

A rabbit with the beads inside it. Loved it but now know the materials are unsafe

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It was a rabbit toy I believe I had my first orgasm using it, kinda wish I had got into toys sooner than I did.

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