Erotic book suggestions

Omg!! Someone that knows indie authors!!! Hi!! I met Nikki Sloane last month in London at a book signing! She's awesome!

pinkanimal wrote:

Omg!! Someone that knows indie authors!!! Hi!! I met Nikki Sloane last month in London at a book signing! She's awesome!

Omg! No way, I'm actually a little jealous, big fan of her work!

I would highly recommend Tiffany Reisz - The Original Sinners books - they are amazing - such depth to the characters :) xx

Depending on what tickles your fancy Iv found a lot of erotic books since FSOG have been the same regurgitated story but a few standout in my mind:

Modern book:

Fixed on you by Laurelin Paige is great and it’s an easy to read book, it has a great flow and easy to pick up at night without having to think too much. It’s defin worth a read if you can find it.

Classic book:
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov is difficult to swallow at times and it has a controversial and quite edgy subject matter, but it’s a great story and is a classic in the erotic novel genre. The movie is pretty well done too and true to form.

I get to meet Tiffany in oxford at a signing in oxford scorps!!! Ps hi!

pinkanimal wrote:

I get to meet Tiffany in oxford at a signing in oxford scorps!!! Ps hi!

WOW - that is so cool! Hi back ![](upload://l9s9e23YKLHpoOzgGVeUkhZGcEr.gif) - hope you are keeping well xx

Got this compilation for my wife a couple of years ago…

Desire : The Erotic Review

it’s definitely a gift that keeps on giving and it has better grammar than FSoG :joy: