Export Tester wishlist to personal list

I’ve been following the tester products for a short while now and it mentions somewhere to keep the tester wishlist clean by removing products no longer required to be tested.

However the products I add to the wishlist for testing are of course ones I wouldn’t mind for myself. Is there an easy way to export / move products from one list to another?

The wishlist system feels a bit clunky after trying to add a couple of products.

I’ve searched the forum for wishlist and didn’t find that many topics in recent years surprisingly.


No I don’t think there is, I need to have a tidy up of mine but have hit the same problem - and I just can’t be bothered to move them individually :joy: I’ll have to live with the mess.


I set up my own list as well as my public Tester List, and add things from the tester page to both if I like the look of them. Then I just delete them from my Tester List when they are no longer available but they stay on my own.
Hope that makes sense!


Yes that makes sense, would be handy to be able to move and copy items but your right I’ll just start adding them twice. :+1:


Not aware of a bulk transfer.

I find the easiest way is to add the product to both the sex tester list and my own lists. Doing it little and often isn’t too much work.

If you’ve got a long list, it might be easier to rename your current sex tester list and create a new one.