Fastest masturbation to orgasm

“Rush job” haha! :joy:


Sounds fun! I would definitely finish first every time, especially if I use the wand. Might have to challenge my OH to this competition…


I’m not really sure if it counts as masturbation if you’re both stimulating each other at the same time.

If it does. I’ve made a few women cum in under 10-20 seconds from a cold start. (Other than correct positioning). The shortest I’ve ever had was almost under two minutes in the same situation (but only once with my current GF).

If it doesn’t. Well. I would always lose a race no matter what.

It’s been hard wired in my brain since a very early age when studying Sexual Taoism, that a man’s sexual purpose is to delay gratification for the increase of the female’s pleasure.

And yes. This is a sexual religion that was formed over 5,000 years ago. Many principles don’t apply in todays age, so with regard to those, no. I’ve never incorporated them.

To anyone insulted by the male and female only representations, it’s simply due to the age of the teachings, and isn’t meant to offend anyone when referencing it.

If you’ve ever watched Kinsey (Liam Neeson, Willem Defoe).

The movie is a true story about Dr. Kinsey and the nationwide studies he did about sexuality in the early 1900’s. His studies while controversial at the time led to the formation of the Kinsey Institute, which is still credited today with most of society’s sexual understanding (at least up to the deviation from Hetero/Homo/Bisexual sexual archetypes. And still is after to support clinical research where it applies.)

Well, In the movie Kinsey, the first woman who was unable to stop orgasming to the point of sheer debilitation was scientifically documented. (It now has a medical diagnosis name but I can’t recall that off the top of my head.)

And Willem DeFoe depicts a true representation of a man who did disgusting things, but was able to orgasm while not even erect in under 10 seconds.

Dr. Kinsey’s research assistant said that’s impossible, when they heard that while in the interview, so the person whipped it out and proved it wasn’t. Then produced a handwritten ledger of the disgusting things he had done and was proud of, at which point the assistant left in disgust and Kinsey recorded information for scientific research principles.

Like I said. It was a controversial true study and accurate film representation. If you’ve never heard of it or watched it. It’s interesting, especially since it was performed in the early 1900s where sex was (only done in the house and only in the house, in the United States at that time.)

The only disgusting part I think most people would find offensive is Willem DeFoes character that is only on screen for maybe 5 minutes out of a 2 hourish movie. The rest of it is pretty much simply visionary for someone as a Doctor to perform almost a hundred years ago.