fifty shades of grey whos excited????

I just seen the film.

I thought it was great. BUT how they expressed the relationship between sub and dom was done terribly. I found it some what confusing to say the least. Mr Grey very disconnected from his feelings, and the woman wanting a lot more than `just` a dom relationship thing ...Yeh they could of done a lot better in regards to some of the aspects of the film.

I thought it was awful! SPOILER ALERT: There are only two sex scenes in the entire film, and there are only two scenes of activity in the red room! That's awful considering that the book was pure sex pretty much the whole way through... And that cliffhanger at the end was such a bad way to wrap the film up!

Well using official actors you cant do porn. So, no explicit sex scenes etc. The scenes that were in the film though could of been done a lot better, certainly the climax to it all, a bit more description, some back log/story.

Rather than having co-dependency illustrated in such a terible manner. Its a very nicely directed film mind you, I have no issues there, but there is only so much you can do, in regards to sex on films that will be seen by the makority of the public via the cinema and dvd`s