Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night (Oct14-Oct14)

Goooood morning all (yeah I know i'm late to the party but what to do? Where i'm from it's morning now ![](upload://5BDs2y1gm13l2R58ovmAMxyNM3f.gif))

Rainy and dreary. Could use a bit of sunshine just about now :)

OMG Just realized who I was answering lol

Yeah that kind of sunshine too lmao

Argh!! I have had to go to the garage where the AA towed it last night. The result is I initial investigation ....they don't know why I have lost all compression in the engine.... It could still be something simple...or it could be vvvvv which I might have to take a gun and put it out of its misery
I need a car ...I have a wedding I need to be mobile for at the weekend....Argh!!

Oy mum! Fingers crossed for you. Hope it sorts out without breaking the bank...

Already had to pay £164 for instant as I hadn't got around to it.... And the invest is clocking at £89 pH.. And I will likely have at least 2 of those... Let alone what might be wrong with it...


So did no 17 end? Who'd a thunk it?

BOO hope all are well 💋💋

*adopts the voice*
Aight sunshine?

*Does the duck dance*

Nope. I'm spent.

*throws subs tarot cards at him* here I had to hide these from scorp yesterday

*sneaks up behind gem* BOO!!

Evening everyone *waves* xx

*jumps and glitter goes flying everywhere* eeeep you scared me scorps I was just cleaning up all the glitter

How are you scorp

Hehe, I'm good thanks Hun, how are you doing? xx

*dances under all the glitter*

glad your pleased with yourself hehe :P

yeah I'm good I got my rota today it's a bit scary but good :)

Hmmm almost the 4th of the month...I wonder who is going to get motm? So.e great entrants this month