Has anyone told you they have masturbated whilst thinking of you?

Only my boyfriend and it makes me ridiculously horny!

Yes , a couple of people have admitted it to me and I must admit I found it quite flattering and a bit of a turn on.

I wouldn't have the guts to tell someone that I thought of them while I masturbated. I do think of partners past and present while doing so but then I also think about some of the people I see when out and about.

sadly, no one has ever said that they thought of me while masturbating though 😢

I wouldnt go as far as masturbation as I have never asked, but in a profecssional capacity, I do have a Miss Moneypenny - James Bond relationship with a lady who I see once a month when I hand our invoices in. She calls me things like "Darling" "Love" and generally have a little chat and winks at me when I leave and say goodbye . As for her marrital status she is a divorceee and single and comes accross as happy that way and she is devoted to her grown up kids. But its stictly professional even though there is some flirtation and she has met my Mrs .

Several times. Both men and women. I'm a fully hetero male so the men took me by surprise but I still found it flattering. It's odd when it's strangers though.

It's also strange when you're in a relationship and someone else tells you that. It's a huge ego boost and very much turns me on but also gives me a hint of guilt even though it wasn't my fault and I've done nothing wrong