How many countries have you had sex in?

Same question for InterestingTimes… where in Canada?

Iceland is a little different btw. We have considered a trip there many times given it’s only 4 hours away and super cheap. Not sure if I will get the sex but whatever…

@be3169 banff, jasper, whistler, farm in the white kicking horse river area and vancouver. Also got upto mischief in the needle.

Lets see if I can remember them all , one ! USA . Been on rides to Canada , but none of my riding buddies or myself swung that way . Guess I never had time to travel . Have been through a number of states and had sex in many .

Would definitely hope to add more to the number before I die lol :sweat_smile:

6- hoping to add more to the list but hubby hates travelling abroad :pensive:

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Bribe him with lots of holiday sex

I wish that enticed him :rofl::rofl:

West coast… beautiful part of the country with the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Ocean.

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UK, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Cyprus, New Zealand, USA

9, not bad :blush:

Visited Toronto / niagra but as a child :joy:

It’s was in Toronto many years ago

Only 2. My much-travelling years and my much-sex years have not coincided. Hopefully we’ll add a few more to that in time.

  1. Scotland
  2. England
  3. Ireland
  4. Spain
  5. Egypt
  6. Denmark
  7. America
  8. Canada
  9. Middle of north sea
  10. Iceland
  11. Belgium
  12. Italy
  13. Germany

Think that is it :thinking:

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New Zealand

Total 15

Gotta ask @ Bigiain… where in Canada?

I was in somewhere just outside Toronto, i cant remeber the name of the place to be honest.

We came over to see about moving there, so we stayed woth a friend of a friend for a few days while we explored and asked all the relevant questions for life style costs etc

Thanks Bigiain. Specifics not necessary. Just curious when folks say they have been to Canada.

Yeah ive been a few times.
Went when i was a kid playing rugby, played in ottowa, a team called belville bulldogs, i think.
We took a day in Toronto while there aswell as niagra.

I have a few friends scattered about aswell, alsways said id come back

2: the USA and Mexico. We tried getting abroad (aka to Europe) several times and life detailed those plans.

As a Yankee, however, I’d argue that a count of how many states (18) is almost as good of a question.

I feel there’s a story here. International Waters definitely counts, though!