How many orgasms in a solo session?

Alone I can go loads of times, before now I've masterbated for an hour and came about 10 times.

So far with my new partner I've came a couple of times during foreplay and then once whilst having sex.

On my own I can have loads of orgasms, but I think that's just because I know my body so well and what it likes.

Ive managed 5 but the ejaculation tends to run out!

normally 2 or 3 for me. i generally stop there but feel like i could go on for ever...

I usually go for two orgasms when I'm masturbating.

I'm like you, the first one is good but it feels more like a warm up orgasm and I'm not usually completely satisfied afterwards. So I go for another one which feels more intense, but it can get frustrating because it takes longer due to only orgasming recently. Worth it in the end!


Alone I can usually have 2 whereas during sex I'll usually just have 1

Most times when I hear from my wife she’s had 2 during her solo session. When we have sex she orgasms 1 to 5 times (most times normally twice during sex sometimes thrice). I reckon when she plays solo she makes herself cum 2-3 times as she can make herself cum easily.


I can have up till 10 orgasms from clitrol play on my own. It used to be only 2 but iv learned over the years how to make myself cum loads


My wife likes to come 3 times generally although if she’s had a long edging session then one huge one is enough.


For me it varies, I’d say usually once I’ve cum that’s it but I’ve had sessions where I’ve had 4 or 5