How to post a link

Hi all was wondering how I post a link in a thread e.g. if I want to post Web address for link to product etc. Had a look on here but couldn't find how to. Any ideas as I see so many of you posting links in threads.
Thanks x x ☺

When youre on the product page (in a different tab) click/tap in the address bar, highlight the address and copy. Come back to the post on the forum and paste.

If i remember correctly, you are only allowed to link to LH pages. Other page links dont show as an active link.


Brill thanks for that ☺

If you want to make a link clickable you need to select the icon that is the world and chains in the text box.

As stated above we don't like external links to other sites (competitors). Do remember we are a business and if you link a competitor site or even mention a competitor's name you can be warned and warnings lead to suspensions. 

Check out the rules to be sure:

Hope this helps