Last Film You Watched?

@The Nymphomaniac if you like anime check out: Sarai-ya Goyou you could prolly find some subbed version from i just finished watching it and thought it was fantastic

'The Town' with Ben Affleck is a great film

a bugs life lol i know am sad lol

ragamuffin wrote:

a bugs life lol i know am sad lol

pfft, love that film!

LOL i love disney stuff

mrbumps wrote:

@The Nymphomaniac if you like anime check out: Sarai-ya Goyou you could prolly find some subbed version from i just finished watching it and thought it was fantastic

Thanks, I'll wait for it to come out in region 2 or get family in Japan to send me a copy. I'm exstremely fussy with my overaly larger Anime collect in what formats I get. Also I currently have too many animes to get through and have 4 arriving next week :/

Been to the cinema today and saw Bad Teacher with Cameron Diaz. Not bad some funny bits and she's always looking hot

Anyone thinking about seeing Bridesmaids? Seems such a cliche film but alas, again, the trailer looks so good and it has good reviews... maybe one for an orange wednesday! Student tickets make it £2.50 each ^_^

yeah sorry to say the cinema is not getting my money anymore

If I wasn't getting a student deal I wouldn't go. The prices are so ridiculous now. For two people to go to the cinema you might as well get three copies of the DVD...

i download all my digital content and have done for the past 10 years. as soon as the entertainment industry comes out with a better buisness model that doesnt invole me paying £10-20 for one moive, £10-20 for a cd ( a cd! who uses cds anymore!? ive not used cds in going on 12 years and come to think about it why are the digital albums the same price as the physical albums, that makes no sense!) £35-60 for one game that lasts less than 8 hours. then and only then will i pay for my content.

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

We buy our DVDs and Cds, mostly second hand though. I definately prefer to have a CD than a little bit of writing on an MP3 player. You can have the CD art and the music the way the artist intended it and also it is far better to have someone come round the house and awe at your shelves of collection!

My OH has a load of vinyl too. Nothing quite like a bit of real old vinyl. Often when people come round it is the first thing they will look to! Most of it is picture discs and special editions with coloured vinyl. Some of them are worth

quite a bit of money now!

alot of people feel that way. from what youve said music is a very social thing for you, you display it as a discussion piece. whereas i tend to keep my music interests to myself listening via mp3 player. i must admit i do like vinyls though, not for music persay i just like the way they look and feel, the texture is nice to touch too.

and i have a addictive personality so i collect like mad, and that can get expensive, plus i like stuff you simply cant buy in shops or online. my music collection is around 600Gb and climbing. and i only tend to list ion to stuff once or twice so is there any point me paying for that content if im not really going to my moneys worth and simply use it to fill a gap in the A-Z

how do you feel about dvd/bluray? do you hold them in the same reguard or not?

I'm with AA, I don't like to download, and avoid using sites such as youtube for music, films, and series. I like to actually own the CD or Dvd, have it there, the pretty art work, lyrics or addittional information. My CD collection is in the 1000 and a lot of them you can't download because they are only small time groups, or exstremely old, or limited addition CDs. My Anime collection is in the hundreds, I will not watch anime on youtube or download it, I sometimes buy anime striaght from Japan but I have family living over there so it's easy. I believe that anime should be purchased, the industry is having trouble producing dvds in the UK as so many peoiple are downloading. This has lead to the production of certain series to go down and sell out exstremely fast, one of the recent series was only produced 800 copies, this isn't enough. I've actually been sent free anime buy companies before because I am willing to support them, a lot of the people working for the production firms are friendly and only a handful per company. Not only will the production of anime releases go down but also the master, dubbing, and subs quality. It just upsets me that anime is so hard to get hold of now which is good quaility (in the UK).

My standard Dvds, again would not download. This collection is very larger but normal Dvds are a lot cheaper. In regards to blueray, I too have trouble viewing it due to my eyesight. In a lot of interviews with directors and other important film peoples, you often hear them say 'Dvd will never die out'.... Blue ray is a fad, for the price of a blue ray disc you can often buy 3+copies of that on dvd.

AA I too can't focus on Dvd's, I need lots of breaks to get through one. I'm hoping one day I will be able to relax through a whole movie, or read a story book (slightly different as you don't tend to read them in one sitting), but it's very tiring for me.

Dies anyone have there own system in sorting out music and dvd collection? Reminds me of My family where they kept changing the order of CD's and it really pissed each other off. I sort my Cds by artist, dvds tend to be genre, date, and production company.

Anyway back on track. AA what did you think of Akira? It's been awhile since I've seen it, but I seemed to like it.... might have to rewatch it again soon.

blueray is passing fad? i think your thinking of HD-DVD. bluray killed off HD-DVD. bluray or HD content in general is here to stay. in the same way dvds killed off VHS, dvds will soon be killed off by HD content. now 3D is a fad and ill have no part in it, no siry!

mrbumps wrote:

( a cd! who uses cds anymore!? ive not used cds in going on 12 years and come to think about it why are the digital albums the same price as the physical albums, that makes no sense!)

Hard to sell a download at a gig.

What I don't understand is why people give their time and attention to music they don't respect.

And I definitely agree with Nymphomaniac; my music purchases are supporting a wonderful niche that needs the contributions of all involved.

rose hip wrote:

mrbumps wrote:

( a cd! who uses cds anymore!? ive not used cds in going on 12 years and come to think about it why are the digital albums the same price as the physical albums, that makes no sense!)

Hard to sell a download at a gig.

What I don't understand is why people give their time and attention to music they don't respect.

i respect music and artists, its the price i dont respect. and most of the stuff i listen to is not mainstream and cant even be found to purchase. and the fact of the matter is, the amount of media be in music, movies, tv shows i consume is so large that its not financially feasible to pay £10-60 for each bit of media.

if the pricing was more realistic in regards to economic climate rather than what people expect to pay because they always have done then ill change my view.

a monthly payment system would be great. if i could pay say £50 a month for access to all the music/movies/tv shows/games/magazines/comics from all over the world in HD i currently can access for free id totally do that, because thats within my exceptions of what i expect to pay for all that.

also there is no proof between number of downloads = loss sales. many independant agencys have debunked the entertainment industrys claims. because i download i am not a lost sale because i would purchase the media in the 1st place.

mrbumps wrote:

i download i am not a lost sale because i would purchase the media in the 1st place.


The Nymphomaniac wrote:

Dies anyone have there own system in sorting out music and dvd collection? Reminds me of My family where they kept changing the order of CD's and it really pissed each other off. I sort my Cds by artist, dvds tend to be genre, date, and production company.

CDs are sorted by region and country, with those from musicians who play in several groups as together as I can get them. Tricky for sprawling scenes like Scots trad where there's so much fluidity.

When I was married, I'd often come down in the morning to find my eastern European collection rearranged. A bit frustrating, but I realized that my organization required a fair bit of knowledge to understand. I like that though and use it to help me remember how the various bits relate to each other.

mrbumps wrote:

a whole lot of stuff

Was interrupted while typing and forget to check thread progress. Didn't know that music is essentially disposable for you. Are you arguing that pricing for all music should be based on your usage patterns? I'm quite happy to pay £12 for a CD. I get most of mine at gigs from the musicians themselves. No executives in suits involved anywhere in the process, so it's all going to keep the music vibrant.

rose hip wrote:

mrbumps wrote:

a whole lot of stuff

Was interrupted while typing and forget to check thread progress. Didn't know that music is essentially disposable for you. Are you arguing that pricing for all music should be based on your usage patterns? I'm quite happy to pay £12 for a CD. I get most of mine at gigs from the musicians themselves. No executives in suits involved anywhere in the process, so it's all going to keep the music vibrant.

its not disposable, but i do get bored very quickly. and pricing should be based on a competitive model that also takes into account economic climate of the country its being sold in. you say your ok paying £12 for a cd? what if in America that cd cost $12 to buy and 0.3c to produce, would you still feel you are getting your moneys worth?

lets move away from cds and use another popular example.

a Samsung Full HD 32" tv:

production location: china

production cost: $30 (based on 1 parts per 1000 est)

retail price for unit in USA: $350

retail price in UK: £350

cost of transportation into USA @ UK: same

media works on the same basis. what im trying to say is and im not sure its coming out in the way i mean it, is why should you pay more for the same product that costs the same to produce no matter where it is sold in the world? it really has nothing to do with individual economic climates and the model is obviously based on the system of matching the pricing from a base market ie for example using the USA pricing system as a base model for the rest of world. if something costs $300 in the USA it costs £300 in the uk, doesnt make much sense.

my view of digital media has nothing to do with lack or respect for artists, actors etc etc (there is no emotional reasons what so ever) its a simple calcalation of cost over substence