Limited spending amount on Lovehoney?

Hi. I was wondering if anyone knows if the Lovehoney site has a spending limit like if you spend over a certain amount will it stop you from placing the order? In about a month or two, I’m going to be placing an order for over £400 which is a bit of a large amount. Will Lovehoney stop me from placing the order even though I have the money or will it be ok?

Theres at least 2 items on the site well over £400 (Sex machines ) so your probubly good.

I don’t know, but I can’t imagine any retailer saying “Noooo stop - you’re spending TOO MUCH with us!” Fill yer boots. :slightly_smiling_face:


As far as I know there’s only a limit if you’re using something like afterpay. If you’re paying upfront it should be fine.

And if for whatever reason they do stop you just place it in several smaller orders.

I think a spending cap would be a good idea for all of our bank balances :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:


Definitely, I can hear mine crying :joy:


You mean there are other things to spend money on? Who knew!


I can just see a LH advert with the tag line: When the fun stops… STOP!


I bet they are loving you. In my opinion you deserve a freebie.

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Years ago they did give out freebies depending how much you spent (and it was a very low threshold), I guess there is no need now LH is mainstream.