Members Lingerie Uploads Appreciation (2018-2021)

I think he’s due another one of those sessions :smiling_imp:


He’s a very lucky chap to be getting one of those sessions. Dream scenario xx


Never done this until you mentioned it, and as it turns out, I had missed loads images/posts over the course of the year! Don’t know how as I usually check it daily/weekly to see if new posts have been put up…
Anyway, it was great looking back! Lots and lots of stunning people!
You’re right too… that image of @Cupc8kes doesnt leave much to the imagination! :clap:t3::clap:t3: Lucky lucky man!


Every once in a while I will go back and find pictures I had missed . I also think I keep up as they are posted . But I have missed a fair number . I post several pictures and there are several I thought would get many likes , but did not . I spend a lot of time trying to figure out what kind of pictures are most liked . I have never broken 40 likes . I am somewhat envious of the non male posters in that they can get over 100 likes in a day or two .


Awwww, don’t take it personally @Oldman
From using various platforms, sites and forums - it seems that the female body tends to be more generally liked overall by others.
This could be for various reasons.
Maybe there’s a lot more male users and they ‘like’ the pics that do something for them. Whereas I ‘like’ all the pics because I’m always feeling proud of everyone for sharing their pics.

Either way - your piccys are always beautiful, unique and sometimes give me a chuckle :laughing:


@Oldman - I don’t even look at the likes now and I feel better for it. Not great feeling compared to others, especially when it comes to your body.


It’s a great shot @Cupc8kes i had to go back and look :grinning: also made me see the ridiculous tan @Melody1 was sporting the day before :bum6:

@Oldman lesser likes is just a part of being a male participant I think. I don’t mind as I appreciate every like I get. As long as you enjoy taking part it’s all good.


You take THE best photos and speaking as a connoisseur, easier to say than spell, you have an exquisite body and the best selection of wigs on the forum


I had a great thought viewing that picture . I want women to play Santa so I could sit on their laps and tell them what else I want .

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I was going for the ‘zebra in the headlights’ look and I think the flash helped bring out the sun kissed bod. I must admit I like the shot from behind. ‘Ridiculous Tan!’

@Oldman , it’s like the others say. We could take a picture in similar lingerie, similar pose and only have a quarter the hits. I have a couple of pics saved up to demonstrate in the new year.
It’s also a little discouraging when someone mentions all the women who have posted but none of the dudes.

For me the fun is in the photos, trying to find imaginative ways to show off the Lovehoney lingerie, not just my pretty bum :grin: . The ‘likes’ are always welcome though as are the wonderful comments from the forum folk.


@Pdm45 Thanks , finally one photo at 40 a milestone !


Fab pics from all @Blonde_Bunny are those for some lucky customer

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Evening forum lovelies

I can’t believe I have only just found the glorious shoes thread after all this time :man_facepalming:

Some real sexy footwear amd great pics on on it, keep em coming :ok_hand: :crazy_face:


Great photos everyone espcially Christmas Crackers. Happy New Year Everybody x :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@SexySmoggy how did you manage that :crazy_face:

Here is the area where we can talk about all the beautiful shoes


Totally agree, love the wigs and the monster nails. Makes me shiver,lol


I don’t know :man_facepalming::joy: @Cupc8kes
Thanks for the link :blush:


@Mint-Monster : see it’s not just me :grin:


Just read comment by @Oldman , who has gone back to look at photos he may have missed when posted during the year.
I have done a review of those since I joined almost a year ago.
I must say , there have been so many wonderful photos by so many wonderful bodies and some phenomenon lingerie…,… everyone who has posted has contributed to the spirit of the section… keep it up.
Looking forward to the posts in 2022


@Ilikesilk - Thankies! Parts of my wardrobe look like a fancy dress shop bargain bin with all the wigs and stuff.

That’s why I love Halloween. I can buy all the little extras that are in season then :smiling_imp: