Mens Lingerie?

Thanks for the advice. It’s very daunting topic to bring up. But it makes me feel very sexy and more submissive particularly for chastity and pegging play etc


It is very daunting and only you know how you think your OH would take it, but they’re only clothes at the end of the day, it shouldn’t matter if that’s what you want to wear, unfortunately it’s not as simple as that. Good luck with it all anyway​:+1:t3:


OK. Things are definitely out of control. I’ve just had to clear 2 black bin liners of my clothes from the wardrobe to make room for all my women’s lingerie and I’ve still got some on order which is yet to arrive.


I’d say you are right on track,

Women’s in comparison to men’s ware is so much more varied and colourful.

It’s the reason you don’t see Hi Ris with lace frill :cry:

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Ha ha, I’m the same, you can never have enough lingerie and other feminine attire though, there’s so much choice aswell, much better than man stuff​:+1:t3:

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Just the same with my wife and I.Not only do i have a set of drawers for lingerie but she has given over the whole of one double wardrobe now to accomodate everything else.One side is full of basques,babydolls,teddies chemises,lace robes etc whilst the other side is pretty much full of dresses,skirts and blouses.My man stuff has been culled as it wears out and not replaced.She still has more pairs of high heels and Mary Janes than i do tho…For the moment anyways :rofl:


My OH was playing with my cage the other day and hinted at buying more pink and feminine things for me.
2 days later I was wearing fishnets, a purple corset and a mini skirt sucking her strapon with my cum all over it.

Honestly 2 years ago I never thought I’d be here. It’s worrying how fast and how deep you go down the rabbit hole
But I’m loving the journey…… excited to see where the next steps take us. But I’m thinking is sharing a cock is in my not too distant future


I’ve now got as much sexy/feminine/racy/kinky or whatever you want to call it underwear as ‘normal’ male stuff …and I still would like more :rofl:.
Storage is becoming a problem :face_with_hand_over_mouth::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Lingerie is addictive.

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