Mental Health Replase

hahah i laughed so hard at that V8 i actually love having a cold room because it means i can snuggle under the blankets. However....i live next to a huge forest and if i open my window spiders come in haha!!!! i wanna get a bug net to keep me safe. I generally think its the end of the world when i see one!

Im glad you have somewhere like this you feel comfortable to post on about things its so important to talk and not try to deal with things on your own. I would reccomend mind as well, they can be fantastic and provide advice without judgement or any fear of being forced into anything.

Do you have any medication for your migraines beyond painkillers?

It is great here and yes i am on specialist medication.

I might need to have more tests etc done though as much as they are sulling the pain they are not removing it :(

fantasia fairy wrote:

However....i live next to a huge forest and if i open my window spiders come in haha!!!! i wanna get a bug net to keep me safe. I generally think its the end of the world when i see one!

Haha I am the same! Hate bugs

I saw on another post about your migraine and I feel the pain - although mine have calmed down massively since I went on the pill, do you know what causes yours?

fantasia fairy wrote:

It is great here and yes i am on specialist medication.

I might need to have more tests etc done though as much as they are sulling the pain they are not removing it :(

They are truly miserable things to suffer from if they are severe, I hope you find something to help with them soon. My mother used to suffer with them terribly but thankfully they stopped quite a few years ago so theres always hope for a migraine free future.

Haha im ok with everything but spiders! I've slept in a car before just because there was a spider in the house and no one to get it!

I actually found going on the pill made me worse lol. Ive not really got a 'trigger' for them but once a headache starts forming then light does it as does food...if i eat or go in a bright room i'm screwed.

Dali i have suffered unfortunatly since i was about 7 :( The doctor thinks that an accident i had when i was 19 has made it worse because i did start getting blank spots after that. (I came off a horse without a riding hat and landed on a sharp rock head first) but who knows.....

FF do you have access to any hedgeapples? I place them in my basement to ward off spiders and they really do the trick.

FF do you have access to any hedgeapples? I place them in my basement to ward off spiders and they really do the trick.

I love this forum, you always learn something new, even if not sex related! I had no idea what hedge apples were, so searched it up. :) Interesting. But, from the Wiki page: "Although Osage oranges are commonly believed to repel insects, there is insufficient evidence to support this." :)

I put them in my basement and it helped here. May vary by cliimate?

I put them in my basement and it helped here. May vary by cliimate?

Maybe more by quantity. I don't know if you looked at the wiki page, but it says there that the reason why evidence is insufficient is because they do seem to have the properties of repellents, but you need the concentrated "essence" for it to work, so just putting the whole hedge apple in a corner should not be sufficient. If you filled your basement, maybe that's why they work.

Whats a hedgeapple? We might call it something different in england haha?

Yep. Look up the wiki entry, it has loads of other common names.

Ooosh still never heard of any of these names, nor do i recognise it. :( Shame, this would have been great if it kept away the spiders.

Anyone ever tried those plugin spider repellents? I used to be phobic of them but thankfully CBT and desensitisation worked on that phobia for me.

FF I usually place 2 by the sliders where we seem to find them the most and 1 by each window. I get this from our local farmers market and have been buying them for 6 or more years. It was just an idea if you had some handy to try. I really hope you are doing better today hon.

I see conkers mentioned as possibly having the same effect but perhaps its only certain species that dislike them as it seems hit and miss.

Never seen a hedgeapple in the uk though, what are they used for besides trying to divert scary critters?

Maybe if i throw a dildo at them? Some of them can be pretty weighty?

I am not too bad i guess. I cried alot today and hated myself. But ive just been writing this review for Cazz that kept me going straight

I have only just seen this post..I can't add anything that hasn't been said already but I can give internet hugs! *big huggles* xxx

If i was a spider and saw a dildo being hurled at me id certianly move house!

Good you have something to focus on today even if its only for a short time.

Mummy mermaid thank you! A quick message of support even if its a year after something happened still means alot to people like me. Thanks for cheering me up tonight im the dumps abit.

Da - Hahaha you would think!!! the thing would pick it up and throw it back they are getting so big!!!!