Penis Pumps

Ah the old age of the pump.

Does it make it bigger?
Does it make sex better?

Would love to hear about any thoughts or experiences.
Im more curious than anything. We gym to look after our body, is this the mini gym for the penis! ?

Ive never actually used them, but I have two in the adopt-a-toy thread, up for adoption;

if you want to try one in return for something small

Thanks all

I saw that review - damn expensive tho!! Shame its not on the tester list! lol

Anyone else with any experience?

Having just read the Goliath review, I think I'll give it a miss. Pumps are often used on the gay scene to give yourself a boner when you need one. Almost always used in combination with a cockring. Pump it up and the cockring stops the blood escaping thus ensuring you can stay hard for a while.

Matyhaty, try reading my review of the stay hard erection and penis enhancer set. Worth every penny of the £22 in my book for the reason it was bought as explained.