My wife likes the buzz too
That’s really cheap, too cheap, buy off internet bit more expensive but quality product
To avoid a head ache take two Paracetamol/Anadin Extra after use before going to sleep, much better the next day
In my professional life have seen some very negative side effects of over use of amyl nitrate. Rare, but there are cases of severe hypoxia due to inhalation.
Personally I am not anti drugs but am very pro knowledge of the risks both short and long term.
This is literally what it does to me! 40’myself it’s another level of deepness… I use a few online reputable stores with fast delivery and option for reviews for the best choice to meet needs
We’d actually forgotten about them and in a weird turn of events we saw a meme on Facebook about them and a few days later went into the shop and seen them, so decided to pick some up to see if they was any good.
We order from a online shop and there much better, even then there not that much more expensive, but even the cheap ones didn’t give us a headache which is the thing that put me off them when I was younger
It was my wife that suggested them about 5 years ago, not heard of them before she told me about when she was younger
Do you still use them as a quick sniff or ‘as advertised’ do you actually leave the bottle open to air into the room for awhile?
I might look into getting some
Love using poppers just before u come wat a feeling anyone else done that
I sniff from bottle, as most people do.
Personally I will sniff them while on top! Husband will also sniff but we will have a bottle no top on while busy … in the moment. But a slow sniff for a min or so works amazing
Yea absolutely another level!
Can’t say any I’ve tried gives me any head ache or side effect just horny as fuck and amazing feelings whilst having sex
@Jellybean83 yeajh absolutely brilliant orgasm we have carnt beat it
From reading this and getting more into larger plugs I’ve ordered some poppers to try out this week. I’m tepid and excited at the same time over trying them… if all goes well might try introducing them to the Mrs too
Dont over do it the first few times