Removing piercings for partners

VanillaWithSprinkles wrote:

FiE wrote:

My piercings are part of how I identify myself and I've had quite a few of them for a long time now.

Nobody can be so surprised if they meet a girl now and she has her nips pierced, can they? Feels like more of my friends have theirs done than don't.

I've only met guys who've liked them so haven't had to think about this, but if a guy couldn't put up with the pierced me, jog along.

We must spend time in different circles I only know one other girl with hers done! And every guy that has seen them has commented on how this is their "first time" seeing that particular piercing. I love mine though, definitely 9 times out of 10 the guy does too, just the odd one that really dislikes metal.

We must! My two sisters and my cousin have theirs pierced just in my family lol. Got quite a few friends with pierced nipples too. Keep loving them. I know mine have boosted my confidence massively. I used to hate my tits and was so self conscious about them somehow yet now I don't wear a bra and love it if my nipple rings show a little bit.

NovacaineDoll wrote:

Another #teamnipplepiercings girl here!

Hell no, I wouldn't take them out. I'm in the exact same boat as you- I was able to love my little boobs once I got the jewellery and think they're sexy as hell now.

If someone asked me to take them out to increase their enjoyment of me... Well, guess what, I'm not a customisable sex doll, so no. Just because jewellery is removable... I mean, what next? Are you going to ask me to put makeup on my tattoos and cut my hair in your favourite style, too?

I have asked currently girlfriend to remove her tongue piercing at times, but only for practical reasons as I can be a bit "sensitive" at times! It goes straight back in when we're done, and she doesn't mind at all as she can see it causes me pain when she forgets to remove it. I can't say I'm a huge fan of tongue bars, especially as she can be in the habit of "playing" with her bar in her mouth and accidentally swallowing the jewellery, and has also chipped her teeth on it a few times- just not sure why you'd subject your mouth to it! But I would NEVER suggest to her that she should stop wearing it. It's part of her.

Girl, rock those sparkly boobs and don't change for anyone!

#teamnipplepiercings - love it!!!! Not sure what to tell you that might help her stop playing with her tongue ring - I struggle to stop doing the same with mine despite knowing that people don't like it!

I had a GF that wasn't keen on my PA so I would take it out during sex. She did ask me to take it out when she could see me. It is a shame because it feels like part of me and I feel a lot more confident with it in.
I have a good friend female who left ex because of his PA.

Lovehoney - Jess Wilde wrote:

I would never ever permanently remove a piercing for a partner. or anyone else, and the only reason I would temporarily remove one would be if it was causing them or me actual pain during sexytimes (or I had to for an operation for example).

To me this is equally as important as never getting a piercing for a partner, too.

The only person you should ever get or retire a piercing for is yourself.

Three things you should focus on here are:

1) You got them pierced for you. Partners will come and go, but you will be around you forever. So do what makes you happy :)

2) It sounds like you have a lot more self-love with your piercings in. Don't ever do anything for anyone else which could lead you to loving yourself less. It's never worth it.

2) He's an EX and probably for good reason. Stop worrying about what he thinks. His opinions can stay where he is: the past.

Oh and as for it being a deal breaker: I would absolutely end a relationship with someone who said that my nipple piercings (or a different modification) was a deal breaker for them.

Anyone who puts that much importance on my jewellery / body mods is not putting enough importance on my personality and soul, and that is the kind of person that I don't I want to get to know at all, let alone be in a relationship with.

What the heck has a piece of metal in my body got to do with what sort of spouse I make? Nowt. I've experienced this situation from both sides. Some guys I've been with try to get me to remove or hide my mods, where others are clearly with be because of my tattoos and piercings because they think it's "cool" or something. Both are absolutely infuriating and hurtful.

I want someone to be with me for ME and the guys who last are the ones who see through my physical attributes, natural or paid for, and love me for my personality. The physical attributes should be an "extra": and feel like either a 'cherry on top' or 'a minor thing they can look past'.

Hope that helps!

NatandTom wrote:

Your body, your choice. Not selfish in my opinion!

^ perfectly said jess and NatandTom!

I have my left nipple pierced, the right nipple was erect and pert but the left was never erect and I felt lopsided. Now it's pierced it's a perfect pair.

I would never remove a piercing for anyone, it's your body and it's your choice. Particularly if it gives you confidence.

That said my ex husband didn't want me to get it done, so I didn't, but as soon as we were over, it was the first thing I did. My OH's opinion was "if you want to mutilate your body in that way carry on" I did, and although he was unsure initially he does now love it and plays with it regularly.

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No you shouldn't take them out its your body and your decision. I'm lucky that my OH decided to have her both nipples pierced a few years ago and we both love them .They turn me on no end and think they look so sexy.

It was interesting reading the replies - Iā€™m going to be brave and say the complete opposite! :joy::rofl: I would say compromise and flexibility are definitely underrated when it comes to stuff like this - other people saying ā€œyeah you do you and if he doesnā€™t like it Iā€™d end thingsā€ is all well and good but ultimately theyā€™re not the ones in that position and theyā€™re not the ones that are going to have to be alone or trawl through awful, lesser dates and ultimately not find what youā€™re looking for, if the relationship was otherwise really good. Itā€™s obviously good to have a sense of self but Iā€™d caution against being defiant/stubborn for a fleeting sense of satisfaction in the mistaken belief that there is always something better coming along. sometimes we donā€™t know what weā€™ve got until itā€™s gone. I wouldnā€™t throw a relationship away for the sake of keeping a piercing but it depends on how good the relationship was and what your reasons were for being in it I supposeā€¦

This topic just popped up for me and I agree with FiE I know a number of my friends have nipple piercings and two or three ladies who have clit hood piercings. They are from all walks of life, some doctors, nurses and business owners who you perhaps may not first think of as having piercings.

I wouldnā€™t take them out, they are part of you and your body, unless they were uncomfortable during sex or something but I donā€™t expect they would be.

I would love my wife to be pierced but her choice not to and myself just a big baby but love the look of them on other sexy people

Iā€™ve had my VCH done over 10 years and I love it, if it helps your case! I love the way it looks and my vibrator on it is probably the best feeling I get.

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