Replace a Movie title with 'Vagina'

Ok it's a bit silly but just for fun, pick a movie and then replace a word in the title with the word vagina.

To get it started:

The vagina games

Charie and the vagina factory

Harry potter and the vagina of secrets


Vagina Wars

In Italy we do the same game but we use the word anus.

Anyway, since I'm watching it right now...

The Vagina At The Gates

Vagina wide shut

Shoot out at the Vigina corral.

The Vagina Redemption

The war of the vagina's

vagina of the month ( employee of the month )

Indiana Jones and the vagina of doom,

The cook, the thief, his wife and her knickers

Oops I meant
The cook, the thief, his wife and her vagina

Honey I shrunk the vagina

Back to the vagina

The Desert Vagina(The Desert Fox)

One flew over the Vagina's Nest

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Vagina


The vagina strikes back

S&M sexy times wrote:

The vagina strikes back

Vagina Wars - The return of the Vagina

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Vaginas

Vagina Club (Fight Club)
