Same sex porn is ok for me - lesbians i like, when done reasonably well. Sometime i cant help but simply laugh at the whole thing. Guy on guy doesnt do anything for me - I can watch it but its like watching a really boring documentry...
hmm - odd documentary!
But yes, girl on girl i find very sexy, but when the stupid fake moans go too far it more often than not turns me off. Which is a shame, because some of the girls in said porn are incredibly attractive. Or rather, they would be if they didn't moan like a broken record.
I am completely bisexual and I enjoy GOOD porn of any variety. However, badly made porn of any kind is a complete turn off. Let's face it, we aren't watching it to admire ham acting. We just want to watch enjoyable, sexy,believable action.
As for a partner sorting themselves out, well, I would never be so selfish as to resent anyone getting their needs met.
Also do any of you 'sort yourself out' if your other half isn't willing / too tired etc.
Oh god yes! That covers 95% of my sex life, I couldn't do without it. Wifey is totally not interested in me performing DIY though, so I'm limited to times when she's out of the house.
As for same sex porn, I guess I'm like most guys. Boy-boy does nothing for me, but a believable girl-girl scene is always welcome, although I don't tend to go out of my way looking for it. Seems true that the girl-girl stuff seems to have the most attractive ladies too.
It's been really interesting as always hearing the various feelings of people. I find most lesbian porn awful as it's so fake most of the time. Really loved years ago when I was a member. Looked so erotic and fun I used think it's a good job women don't try girl on girl more or the human race would be buggered!
after the clean out we now have a nice lockable bag of naughty goodies that's accessible and we watched our first porn in years together. She got annoyed at the fake dubbed moaning ( I hate it too ). I was thinking of getting Pirates on DVD. is the sound live recording on it?
Anybody have a mac? I can't get the trailer to play on the blissbox website but have Flash player installed . Any ideas why? Sorry I know that's a bit off topic and not very sexy ( well unless you a mac lover !! ) would do another post but doing this on mobile and it took bloody ages to log in.
Pirates? Is that that full movie budget porn set on a pirate ship? If so I have a mate that got it and he says it's brilliant but doesn't take itself too serious. I've seen clips but it was far too staged and plasticlypeople for me.
Same sex porn is ok for me - lesbians i like, when done reasonably well. Sometime i cant help but simply laugh at the whole thing. Guy on guy doesnt do anything for me - I can watch it but its like watching a really boring documentry...
hmm - odd documentary!
But yes, girl on girl i find very sexy, but when the stupid fake moans go too far it more often than not turns me off. Which is a shame, because some of the girls in said porn are incredibly attractive. Or rather, they would be if they didn't moan like a broken record.
Yeah - it was a very strange documentary! ;)
Pirates does sound as though it has potential... although im guessing there might be a certain amount of repetition (even more than with most porn) if shes doing a lot of guys. Thats always been a bit of an issue with me - longer porn videos, even good ones can become a bit dull after a while as its often extremely repetative.
Obviously as WandA pointed out we dont want constant scene changes - fine in a trailer but not for a proper video. Theres definitely a balance that needs to be struck with this kind of thing. Guess its a pretty fine one because peoples taste varies...
I have a little fetish for gay (man on man) porn, the guys are always so much better looking than in straight porn. Watching two girls doesn't really do it for me although I am bisexual. My favorite has got to be MMF.
I was wondering how others feel about this? Can you explain what it is you don't like. I guess I don't want to see man on man stuff to be fair and perhaps too much porn had misled me into thinking that secretly lots of women like it.
Also do any of you 'sort yourself out' if your other half isn't willing / too tired etc. I mentioned this and was pretty much told that wasn't too happy about me doing that but bugger off and do it somewhere else. I didn't last night and all that happened was I'm in foul mood today and maybe I should have...
I'm a lesbian so lesbian mags aren't an issue for me but I do understand hetrosexual girls not wanting to look at lesbian porn... Being Gay, its very obvious to me that lesbian porn is MADE for MEN. Its not a realistic point of view at sex with a girl and I think maybe this might put hetrosexual girls off as much as it does lesbian girls!! But then this is the same with all porn i guess!!
Plus, even girls in my opinion "sort themselves out". If she doesn't wanna have sex then why not?? My girlfriend even knows I watch porn and I know she does - its healthy to be open and if your OH has an issue with it - you need to find out why?
Lesbian porn I dont like, not because I dont like lady on lady, its more because I like it more real, than the fake- doing it because it pays better.
I like men-with-women porn provided that she makes good noises without being overly faked. although the moment that it moves from noises to talking 'Oh yeah YEAH MMMMMMM YEAH' in some god awful accent then I'll go browsing for anything.
My favourite of all things though is toy porn - Dunno why its just my favourite by a long shot...
MF, MFF are fine by me but as long as it seems real. MMF too if (again) it seems real and the woman is really into what's going on between the guys. If she sits back and let's the guys get on with it whilst she takes care of herself for a while then it's a win win as far as I'm concerned :o)
Constant moaning, groaning, too much perfection and ridiculous gymnastics by anyone in any porn is not good at all. A massive turn off.
ooh someone was talking to me about pirates the other day apparetly its like a full length film so a good 2/3 hours of porn, its supposidly the most expensive porn movie ever made and is meant to be about a woman who fuks all the sailers on her boat then some pirates, though im told there is also girl on girl and id be quite interested to watch it and see if its any good!
Pirates is quite good! Plus there is a pirates 2 as well:-)
My other half does not like watching girl on girl at all. Whereas we can sit and watch hetro porn with no issue:-) Personally, it works for me.