Updated my list. Would be great to add that to “the box”.
Just completed s review of the amazing Fun Factory Manta vibrating stroker and took the opportunity to create as Sex Toy Tester wishlist.
Please add me to the list, I’ll test anything
Thanks, fingers crossed we get selected, we are a very excited young couple ready to explore in the bedroom, we think love hunny could help ! Hope your well and thanks for the update !
I’d chance it.
Not something for us this time, but wishing the best of luck to you who added this sleeve to your sex toy tester wishlist!
List Updated.
Hi Brenna. Does the link to submit a tester review not appear on our accounts anymore? @Lovehoney_Brenna
(Disclaimer: Not Brenna )
If the product isn’t live on the site then you can use the generic review link.
Have to say i do not really understand why the link to review a tester has disappeared from individual accounts.
It’s because it was linked to your old community account. Tearing us all out and moving us here has left some rough edges on the split line, but I’m sure they’ll smooth it all out when they get a chance.
To me that would suggest that bit was overlooked then.
I think there may have been a few bits. It’s a big job though. But paragraphs work now, so I’m slotting it in the ‘win’ column.
I agree it has been probably been a massive job and caused a few headaches along the way i do not doubt however that does seem like quite a big oversight.
Maybe, but it only affects a handful of people. The link to review a live item is still on every product page. I think it’s only a problem for the Secret Tester items now, as they’ve lost their ‘quick link’ in Your Account and there are no other direct links to them. But the generic review link is right at the top of the Reviews page (or people can link to it if someone asks ).
Personally I’m not sure it’s a big deal for me. Though I bet its causing a few headaches for Brenna having to flip between the two systems trying to allocate testers.
@Ian_Chimp I do have this link and I use it. It was more just to ask if they don’t appear on your account anymore
Hey All! The tester list has been updated!
Good morning Brenna.
Great, all updated!
Good morning Brenna
list updated
Morning Brenna, list updated