We updated our list to add the e-stim butt plug in. We just realised that we had previously ordered the e-stim kit and had not done a review of the product. We’ve not used it for a while as we moved house and its boxed up with other toys. This butt plug would be a great addition so we can up our stim play and do a great review. We will also then do another review for the kit which sorry we didnt do before.
Either way we will get the box out to assist with reveiews for thr e-stim kit!!!
Oh yes always nice to see new estim things! Plus app controlled! Very exciting list this week!
Hi Brenna, thanks for the heads up!
I’m in love with the ElectraStim set. Fingers crossed!
Updated the ol’ list, only got the LoveSense plug on it as I find the idea of the electro stuff quite intimidating
Wow look at that kit
All updated, thanks @Lovehoney_Brenna
List updated!
Oh my! Would love to try out that ElectraStim kit!
wish list update fingers crossed
Wow, the electrastim flick set looks amazing! I really really hope I’ll be selected for this, me and my partner have been wanting to try electrastim products for a long long time now… I haven’t been a LH sex toy tester for a number of years, but I loved it, I’m just hoping soon I might be selected again fingers crossed
Wow! This week‘s goodies look super fun! Updated and fingers crossed.
The new e-stim kit looks amazing! We’d love to try and review this
The e-stim looks amazing!!!
List updated!
List updated! Thanks for opportunity!
List updated here too
Hi again @Brooklynbg (and anyone else who may find this useful)
There’s an extra smidge of faff that’s useful if you’re interested in the Testing&Reviewing side of things. The new forum is slightly separate to your reviews & wishlist page now so it’s useful to paste a link to it in your new profile.
Is this one you?
You can find out more in:
You can expand the quote by clicking on the arrow in the header, or follow the link to go straight to the other topic.
We’ve just updated out list. Would absolutely love to try the electrosex kit. I haven’t been able to be online for a while (since the new forum) so let me know if you’ve any trouble with my account - I’ve done all the linking etc…
Keen to try both. Was reading about the estim products recently as sounds like it would be a good experience but out of our budget for toys normally.
Hey All! The tester list has been updated. There’s some funky bondage stuff as well this week