Sexual preference / orientation in profile changes please

To Lovehoney.
Would it be possible please to add “Trixic” & “Demisexual” in the orientation menu for our profiles?
I am non binary, married to a cis woman, so do not consider myself a lesbian nor hetrosexual.
Trixic is a term used by many of us under the non binary umbrella.
Can we have a discussion about this please?

I welcome other non binary members in similar shoes or with better info to give some input/feedback please.

Many thanks, Paul.


I’m demisexual too. Best discovery I ever made. Made my entire sexual life make sense.


(I’m just adding that tag so that Brenna notices this thread. She’s the one to talk to on this. :slightly_smiling_face:)

No discussion needed, IMHO. Bloody good point, Paul: bring on the identities! :+1:


I’m Pan demisexual and a trans woman.
@TehSpaceCowboy You do realise that your public profile is set to hidden, so no one but LH can actually see what you put on your profile.

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So I’m currently down as pansexual because it is the closest. Demisexual would be better, but the perfect one for me would be Demi-Pan, which is what I actually am.

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Exactly, Mira. If we’re to have enough options to describe our characteristics fully, then given that pan and demi describe different attributes that can co-exist in parallel, it shouldn’t be an either/or choice.

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Thinks… if everyone in the country was both pan and demi, would that be a pandemic?

Badum-tissshh. Thangyewverymuch. I’m here all week. :wink:


Actually @PleasureDrone, I might use that line…

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Thought it might be useful to see what the existing options are: :slightly_smiling_face:

Relationship | Gender Identity | Sexual Orientation
— | — | — | —
Single | Woman | Heterosexual
In a relationship | Man | Bisexual
Polyamorous | Non-binary | Lesbian
Open relationship | Transgender | Gay
Prefer not to say | Transwoman | Pansexual
| Transman | Queer
| Gender fluid | Asexual
| Multigender | Prefer not to say
| Gender questioning |
| Intergender |
| Prefer not to say |

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To make it visible (though completely your choice :slightly_smiling_face:) you can go to your Preferences/Interface page, and untick the box next to ‘Hide my public profile and presence features’ (and save changes :+1:).

(and yours is hidden too, @anon62893628)

@Ian_Chimp Thanks, and I have left mine that way on purpose.


I realise that. But then so is yours?
So I don’t see your point.

Please can we not sidestep from what I posted about?

Thanks Ian! :slight_smile:

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Often wonder where i am regarding these various labels

Took me ages to work mine out @zombifiedguy, mostly due to having to find some of the lesser known ones.

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Struggle with the meanings/terms and then i have to figure out what applies to me. I think im just complicated and broken :frowning_face:

Complicated - probably. Broken - never. You’ve just not worked the stuff out yet. You will. You’re a smart guy. xx :heart:


Thank you mira, i appreciate your faith in me even though i might not believe it myself xx

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@zombifiedguy - being able to hang a label (or bunch of labels) on oneself is only useful if it helps you feel more comfortable in your own skin. At the end of the day, you are YOU - a unique human being - and what constitutes YOU may not be a simple or a static thing: it may shape-shift from decade to decade or even day to day!

Nowhere is it written that any of us has to reach any kind of fixed conclusion about our identity and/or orientation, nor is there any requirement to make any public pronouncement about it if you don’t want to. In your life you will love whoever you’re going to love, be attracted to whoever you’re going to be attracted to, be whatever flavour of human you feel you are at any given moment and enjoy doing whatever floats your boat. It’s called individuality: not fitting into easily-understood, ready-made pigeonholes does not make your reality less real or less worthy of respect.

In short:

  • You are valid.

I understand that and i appreciate the sentiment. I just wish i had an idea what i actually am