Sexuality & Spirituality

Ive been doing a lot of thinking recently, after a particularly interesting thread on sexuality and gender roles started by Vanilla_Kink, here -

It got me to thinking about peoples spiritual experiences through sexual activity.

Has the way you feel sexualy guided any particular course in your life?
Have you had any sexual awakenings that made you question things, religion/spirituality, etc.
I have always drifted towards shamanism, but am slightly drawn to chaos and sex magic,
Do we have anybody here who had tried either of them and found them useful?


Blimey thats deep matey

I am old fashioned so romance is my thing but not ruled out Yoga in the future which has aspects to do with spirituality .

mysteron wrote:

Blimey thats deep matey

Sorry, I spend too much time in my head, rather than the real world. ![](upload://kym5tZ5EfyJxs6TKHB1Q2HtGSpK.gif)

I would like to say yes, but reality is no.

I spend a lot of time in my head too, sometimes nicer than the real world, but other times its so bloody confused!!!

Looking forward to readings others views and experiences though xx

I am quite pagan and I am into alsorts including shamanism and druids but as I've always done rituals alone I've never done sex magic although I know it's a great way of drawing energy for whatever purpose magical or otherwise..not ruling it out though as my partner is very open spiritually wise Although he is more into eastern spiritual things like Buddhism and very into martial arts xxx

mummymermaid wrote:

I am quite pagan and I am into alsorts including shamanism and druids but as I've always done rituals alone I've never done sex magic although I know it's a great way of drawing energy for whatever purpose magical or otherwise..not ruling it out though as my partner is very open spiritually wise Although he is more into eastern spiritual things like Buddhism and very into martial arts xxx

I've been pagan for years now, reading up about lots of different aboriginal belief systems. Still not too aware of what druids actually do, other than pilgrimages to stonehenge etc.
I like lots of eastern thinking, and the idea that things like tai-chi and yoga, although physical, and in tai-chi's case is actually classed as a martial art they are very big on the spiritual side.

I am pagan and practice sex magic and perform skyclad rituals - although not with my moot members. So sadly skyclad is normally done alone. Still looking to meet up with other pagans for special celebrations where skyclad would be perfect.

Atheist, skeptic and ll round science whore here saying that my sexuality guided me into a BDSM club but not spiritual, magical nonesesnse (IMO I respect others).

I've been practicing some mindfulness techniques for calming recently though and found that they can lead to heightened sensativity sexually and I've heard of friends getting hypnosis involved in the bedroom which sounds really interesting :)

Cally Berry wrote:

I am pagan and practice sex magic and perform skyclad rituals - although not with my moot members. So sadly skyclad is normally done alone. Still looking to meet up with other pagans for special celebrations where skyclad would be perfect.

Im intereseted in paganism and magick but unsure where to start how do u go about finding moots etc xx

Hi some call me a Wiccan because I have spirit guides and my deity is The Triple Goddess (hence my name here - a version of it). Others call me witch, wise woman etc etc. I call me "me", I am what I am. Magic is a strong part of who I am and so is my spirtuality.

I am not sure where you live but get in contact with the Pagan Federation and they will give you a list of moots in your area. Failing that just use google and ask about moots and covens in your area. hope that is of some help x

No but when the boyfriend does magic tricks it turns me on. If that counts?

Mummymermaid aren't you meant to be on holiday?! Lol xx

Zephron wrote:

Has the way you feel sexualy guided any particular course in your life? Have you had any sexual awakenings that made you question things, religion/spirituality, etc. I have always drifted towards shamanism, but am slightly drawn to chaos and sex magic, Do we have anybody here who had tried either of them and found them useful?

Maybe I have experienced the flipside of this. My experiences with my identity evolved into my rejection of hierarchy. With that, came a scepticism of power structures - including heteronormativity.

Zephrin have you thought of training in the Tantric path? Eastern, deep, spiritual and using sexual energy spiritually. There are lots of superficial tantric classes about, so look carefully. I've always felt that my sexuality and my spirituality are closely linked. Sex can lead to the most Universal Expansion experiences, if done mindfully. The sex drive is an embodiment of the life force. It is what keeps species alive and reproducing. If listened to, it can guide us - not only to the right partners for different phases of life, but also to our deepest inner selves and the Oneness that is at the heart of all. Interesting thread. Thank you for starting it.

I experienced what some call a sexual chakral opening/awakening a couple weeks ago. I was having several really deep orgasms and while my eyes were closed i saw the colours yellow/gold. I was told this was the sacral chakra opening up like a lotus flower. The sacral area is the sexual chakra. Past couple years I have gotten more spiritual, I have had a shamanic cleansing and the lady told me my spirit animal was a raven. She also said the goddess of love Quan Yin stepped forward for me and confirmed a lot of true things, which i told the lady are accurate. From a lady who ive never met found out about me my heart break, leads me to belive spirituality is a real thing. 🐼

SquirtyPanda wrote:

I experienced what some call a sexual chakral opening/awakening a couple weeks ago. I was having several really deep orgasms and while my eyes were closed i saw the colours yellow/gold. I was told this was the sacral chakra opening up like a lotus flower. The sacral area is the sexual chakra. Past couple years I have gotten more spiritual, I have had a shamanic cleansing and the lady told me my spirit animal was a raven. She also said the goddess of love Quan Yin stepped forward for me and confirmed a lot of true things, which i told the lady are accurate. From a lady who ive never met found out about me my heart break, loads me to belive spirituality is a real thing. 🐼

And theres me thinking you were a Panda .

We are Pagans, and we belong to a shamanaic group that's on-line but meets a few times a year for prcatical group shamnism. It doesn't involve sex-magick or drugs; drumming is used to enter the altered state.

We do sex magick together occasionally in private. Many years ago I belonged to a a closed Wiccan group that did sex magick at rituals, occasionally in groups. It wasn't an excuse for having an orgy and involved consenting participants in private. Couples would have sex in the same room at the same time as the culmination of a ritual, with the intention of focussing the energy raised towards a previously agreed objective such as healing. Sex is one of the best ways of raising energy. Your sex magick partner isn't necessarily your regular sex partner. I know of women-only groups which do sex-magick and there must also be men-only ones. Obviously they don't advertise, entry is by invitaion only and by word of mouth.

Sex-magick works; it has a long, long history. It's hard to explain the subject to people who aren't familiar with shamnism and whose attitude to religion is coloured by monotheism. There are several good, non-sensational books on the subject, try this one, it's a large pamphlet really - 'Wiccan Sex-Magic' by Inga Steddinger, published by Runa-Raven press.

Hi guys.This is all new to me.I have heard of pagans and Wiccan but never sex magick.I'll have to read up on such matters! xx

I'm not strictly pagan as I identify strongly as agnostic but I practice Goddess Worship with my partners. I consider my role in this dynamic to be a kind of sexual and spiritual guide. They want me to nurture and sometimes train them sexually, like some kind of manifestation of a fertility Goddess. I take it seriously and from some I have daily 'prayers' or something similar. I don't know if this is exactly what you meant but it's along similar lines I think.

'Has the way you feel sexualy guided any particular course in your life?'

Honestly, sex and my sexuality have defined all of my career and life. I study sexuality academically and it has shaped my view of most of the institutions and social exchanges I have in my life.