🇬🇧 UK Special Offers, Top Sale Picks and DOTD

There are lots of cool formatting features you can use. :slightly_smiling_face: The polls are in the :gear: menu in your reply bar (the menu is a squiffy on mine, but it goes Hide Details, Spoiler, and Poll is the last). The Discobot Tutorials show you a bit more about those. :+1:

To upload photos you need to be TL2 Member (it looks like you’re about 4 visits away from levelling up :+1:). Lovehoney product photos can be shared across all the categories, but any other photos have to be posted to a topic in Your Photos. There’s the full info in The Great Big Photo Guide :purple_heart: and a little snippet on how to grab the ones from the new website in the Sandbox (I haven’t gotten round to doing a proper Tip yet :slightly_smiling_face:)

And there’s a bit about big emojis, big and small text, and picture links in the Bonus Formatting topic I linked above.

The Deal of the Day page doesn’t have the reviews on unfortunately, but if you go to the full product page they should all be there. :+1: (there’s a possible glitch with Firefox on pc, but I’ve not checked it again recently).