Tester List

Absolutely! I hope you get picked :+1:


omg that unicorn dildo is just… :drooling_face: :heart_eyes:

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So excited for more reliable alternatives for fantasy dildos!

Wow these all look amazing would love to test one out.

All 3 of these look like very interesting sensations, haven’t tried anything quite like these. Would be glad to give our opinion on any of them.

I voted for the dragon a) because it looks awesome b) it’s called Hell Kiss and c) the dimensions look manageable!


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Would love to try the fantasy mystique unicorn silicone dildo with my qife

It absolutely looks awesome! But for me, more of a mantle piece display than a usable dildo… I think it’s the spikes that put me off. I’m not a fan of smooth heads hitting my cervix, I’ll pass on spikes, definitely adds to the scary though :rofl:.

The Unicorn is not quite so pretty but looks absolutely devine shape wise, when it launches on the UK site that one will definitely be in my Wishlist.

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Oh my…that unicorn looks divine :heart_eyes:

@Lovehoney_Brenna what is the circumference on that at the top and base.

So cool, I love seeing Lovehoney expanding into more fantasy and uncommon products!!

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Omg all of these look amazing! I love the dildos that deviate from the normal ones and monster ones (:

Voted! The https://www.lovehoney.com/sex-toys/dildos/non-realistic-dildos/p/fantasy-mystique-unicorn-silicone-dildo/a48733g86677.html looks amazing! :slightly_smiling_face:

These look awesome :slight_smile:

I’m in love with the unicorn

What a fantastic surprise! Love these new additions!

How do you know if you ever get picked

When I completed a Lovehoney survey that asked what I’d like to see more of, I’d said fantasy toys! So excited to see this :heart_eyes:

Oh my Lord I must have the Glow-In-The-Dark Scaly Dragon!

I’ve always been curious about the fantasy toys and I know my husband would love to give these a try :wink:

Wow Brenna they look AMAZING

Eighteen inches of Fantasy Scaly Dragon Funtime and it glows in the darkest of places :slight_smile:
Interesting :thinking:

The fire breathing dragon looks Hot (lol) too

I’m so happy Lovehoney have started to do these. It has definitely been a gap in the range

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