The Lounge

No problem, i’m sure your pics will be fine!

Here’s the info from The Great Big Photo Guide :+1:

(And if you click on the down arrow in the quote header it’ll expand it and show you the whole Big Photo Guide too :+1::slightly_smiling_face:)

Chaps, on Valentine’s Day, make sure you get home early so you can run a bath, fill it with rose petals, place scented candles everywhere and put on some mood music. Then jump in. By the time she comes home you’ll be really refreshed! :wink:


On it!
There must be a meme for that!

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There is @Melody1 but it wouldn’t post until Monday!

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Thanks Jilly
It’s nice to know you find my posts fun.
With northern humour and written rather than spoken word, it’s a fine line. I’ve deleted many a reply before posting thinking ‘no, you’ll just sound like a tw*t, Mel’
Don’t mean to offend anyone but it’s something I sometimes do :musical_note:
… and your challenge for the day is to work out where these words of Weller came from. They have Jam on them :grin: @WillC / @wildflower any ideas?
(no google lol)


Don’t delete @Melody1

Just be you you’re so much fun…

I’ll understand you when you’re done…

Any accent is a sexy one…

We all need to smile and sooooo need the sun…


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No idea of the lyric, sounds familiar though! Never thought you sound like a t**t! :slightly_smiling_face:

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One of my favourite JAM numbers - “I Got By In Time”. :sunglasses: - a core part of my bass guitar practice repertoire! :slightly_smiling_face:


I will have a listen later whilst my OH is watching The Masked Singer! :+1:

That line has stuck with me for the last 30 years or so!
And I’ve still got the shoes!

In the City “Side 1”
The concept of sides one and two has just blown my mind!


I haven’t heard that Jam song before, one to add to my listen to list!

Believe me @Melody1 you have never once sounded like a tw*t and I can’t honestly think of any of your posts that could have offended anyone. I love the Northern sense of humour even though I’m a Londoner by birth.

And I have also typed out replies and then deleted thinking that it all sounds like a load of tosh that might be misunderstood or taken the wrong way…think a lot of us have been there! :heart:


I’m wondering if I’ve missed a nuclear apocalypse or something. Both yesterday and this morning the internet is dead (not just here, other forums too). Given we are meant to be on a lockdown, where is everybody?!


It does seem rather quiet. Maybe Valentine’s is a real thing this year?

I’ve just popped up a movie quiz if you’re looking for more procrastination? :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think we’re all spending a bit of quality time with our partners as it’'s Valentine’s weekend. If Valentine’s Day was a weekday, it might be different.


Happy Valentines you sexy people. To all the couples I hope you a good day and an amazing night if you know what I mean :wink: and to all the singles (that includes myself) I want you give yourselves lots of self love and definitely lots of O’s. Its good to know us singles are not alone on here.


Another single here. Love to everyone on this day and remember (I know I’ll try to) you are not alone, just single and you ARE loved, just because you can’t see romantic love in your life at this time doesn’t mean there is not a huge amount of love felt for you, there are lots of types of love and none are more important than any others. I love you, and before you tell yourself I don’t mean you, you’re wrong, I do mean you, this place would not be the same without you, you matter :two_hearts:


Happy V day to all you couples and singletons

I’m in a single brigade this year too and aaaall the self love is happening this year!


Happy valentines day to all the couples and all the singles too. I’m also in the single brigade and I’ve never been one to be bothered by it but this year feels a little different. Maybe its the isolation over the last year. Self love and chin up. Think i will get my toyboy opened later


Happy valentines day everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful day filled with love :heart:
If you are single on this day be sure to love yourself more then ever. Everyone deserves to feel loved :heart: