Trans sex

This feels a bit like the unthinking comment that lesbians who use dildo’s aren’t ‘proper’ lesbians. As has been said by everyone else, what bits you use and what you do with them and with whom is totally between the participants and doesn’t impact your ‘femininity score’, there isn’t a saddo following you around with a clipboard dishing out points!

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Haha but it’ll feel more like natural by then to not have it as during the hormone transition I should think it’ll start not feeling the same down there maybe :thinking:

Thank you. I’d dread to think what score that saddo has for me :joy:

I’ll keep you updated on that :blush:
I’m an emotional state and haven’t even started yet :joy:

I’m thinking if I wanted to feel more like a girl but make use of the sensitive nerve endings in my penis I’d be rubbing a vibrator on it through my panties, so this might be a fun thing for the two of you to do to each other. :revolving_hearts:

Maybe another time as I was our first time together (was worried if she saw the size of my toy drawer it might freak her out) but did this with my wand earlier :blush:

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I have a good friend who also dresses and is small like I am . that’s how we play ! And it’s fun !

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I bet your friend thought as a trans woman, you were dysphoric towards your genitals. Of course this is not necessarily true, and your experience in bed doesn’t make you less womanly or less trans. I wouldn’t think differently of my trans partner if they did like that too.


Exactly this! :heart::blush:

Ugh. What bits you have and how you use them is no one’s business other than yours. Use them as you are fit! Enjoy!

I don’t know why people have such a hang up about what bit goes where.

If you’re consenting, and it feels great, go for it. Don’t let silly people get their knickers in a twist over it.


Thank you @SinfulBlanche x

Simply “let it go” :notes: and enjoy yourself. No one should care these days but some will just not understand. Transsexual is a beautiful thing and it’s how you feel that counts whilst also still having sexual pleasure.

You feel feminine, although we can’t see I know you will look feminine and that is very much still the case with different body parts. Difference is what makes us beautiful :hugs:

So don’t worry and keep enjoying you , what you have and experiencing sexual pleasures :star_struck::+1:


Thank you so much @Daisy1982 made my morning!

Some great comments, and interested to see further thoughts on this one.
For what its worth, my thoughts are that there are two people involved in the relationship, so only yours and their view matters?

I’m not trans, and therefore a lot that I might be ignorant about in terms of how things are for you in many ways, however, I consider myself to be me - a unique human being that knows what I like and what my needs are. I don’t need anyone else to validate that for me any more (certainly used to), and just try to be my own authentic self.

I guess all I am saying is go with whatever is right with you and your partner. And it might be something to bring up with partner, especially as you say, it felt so natural. I don’t think there are rule-books or guides around any of this, and I’m a firm believer of openness and honesty - why not mention how much you enjoyed it and how natural it felt, and see where the convo goes, your partner is in exactly same position as you.

All you ever need to be is you, whoever that is and however that looks, and that in itself is awesome.

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Thank you @Mr_Kink1 you’ve all given me so much more confidence!

how is it her business on how you play in the bedroom or wherever the play was.
that’s between the people involved.
I’m a Cis man married to a cis woman and her strap-on penis gets way more action then my real penis.
by her logic that makes me feminine and my wife masculine and I can assure you that’s not true.
at the end of the day it comes down too did everyone involved enjoy the experience.

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To be honest my friend has been one of the most supporting people in my life and as many people have said it was a not thinking comment but in 2022 it amazes me there is still such a certain expectation of what 2 people should do in the bedroom together!


It’s big times so makes sense to have a whirl of emotions going on :relieved:


Really is. Fortunately I’ve found someone for now who knows exactly my experiences which is great :blush:

And they’ll be a mega good support to have for the coming transitional :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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