Trust Levels

What badges are you looking to achieve @bryan.offord23?

A lot of them are gained from just interacting on the forum - reading topics, reacting, responding etc.

Others come with time, the same way trust levels increase the longer you’re on the forum and interacting :blush::+1:t2:


There’s a list of badges you can get in the top right hand corner on the mobile app there’s an award symbol click that and you’ll see what there is and what you have to do to get them @bryan.offord23


I do appreciate all your insight :smiling_face:

This is great, thank you!!!


Hiya, I’m a touch confused! Just wondering what is meant by “entering” a topic? How is it different to reading or replying to posts/topics? Hope this makes sense, thanks heaps :slight_smile:

Hey @BlueBird89 :blush:

I believe entering is just going into a topic/thread, not scrolling down to read all the posts in that thread.

Reading would be scrolling through to read the posts.

Hope that helps :blush:

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Ah I see, that makes a lot of sense! Thanks heaps :blush:

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