Ways to stay anonymous in adult spheres

So I’be recently become single again and I’ve decided I want to start putting more pictures and content out. It’s something I love to do and I’ve always held myself back.

As standard though - the more spicy the photos get, the need for anonymity increases. I was wondering if people also have the same thoughts or conundrums and would love to hear your thoughts and practices on how to stay anonymous in exhibiting erotic photography.


It’s very very difficult quite honestly.
There are a few members who post photos fairly regularly, who when you read back through their old posts give away quite a bit of detail about their lives. I have thought before, it wouldn’t be too hard to find them online, not too difficult at all.

Then part of my former profession was working with people in the public eye so I am perhaps better placed than most to know ways of finding out peoples private information. But then, I cannot be the only one with these skills on here.

The best way to stay anonymous is to give away as little as possible, and the content of a photo can give away a lot more than you think. A picture really does paint a thousand words. I do share a bit about myself on here, but no photos ever because I know what can be gleaned from them.

If you really want to stay anonymous then don’t put photos / video content out. End of.


I used to wear a mask of sorts, namely a lace masquerade mask. Also, I never give my full name away (I’m ex-directory anyway, so that helps) and never reveal too much information about you. My husband, for example, will only tell you quite simply that he works in building maintenance. That’s all you need to know. My blog is more public because we actually want it to be accessible, helpful and relatable to people. Even then, there are no photos of us on there.

Despite being quite an engaging person, I’m actually almost totally silent on social media. I don’t use X, Instagram or TikTok and hardly post on Facebook since having some people judging me for being polyamorous.

I’m quite known for being mysterious, but that’s okay. There’s probably good reasons to work hard to earn my trust :wink:


Usually for me I just don’t have my face in the photos but often o know some guys will blur their face out but ultimately if someone knows your body then they’ll know regardless of a face being there or not :sweat_smile:

One thing to remember is that scars and tattoos are identifying features.

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Couple pointers that I tend to keep too:

Keep photos in your house in a basic location;
bathroom door behind you or something that isn’t too personal

Make sure you turn location services off on your photos / videos!

I do use a blurring app to sometimes remove background information or tattoos/jewellery

Either cover or cut of your head from any photos/videos done

Try keep your name and personal information as basic or changed as possible

I personally like to tease and not show full cock photos… but I guess each to their own on that one

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I have been posting nude and explicit content anonymously online for years and not been recognised yet to my knowledge.
Here are a few tips.

Use a stage name.
No faces (I only show my mouth)
No tattoos
Keep the backgrounds neutral
Dont post where you live i just keep it to county.
Post somewhere you trust.
Keep location turned off

I have found to help with the neutral backround that a short airbnb stay gives lots of opportunity for photos with no chance of simebody recognising your house.


Thank you all for your insight on this!

My latest batch of photos I had taken I had adopted a lot of principles already. I’ve also found most phones have a great magic eraser feature now that will let you remove identifying birthmarks and also specific features on the backgrounds of photos.

I’ve been using it often because it not only creates a plain and unidentifiable background, but cleans up the shots and allows focus to be drawn to the areas you want it to :slight_smile:


@Audy moden phones are fantastic but be careful it doesn’t backup to a cloud you wouldnt want it to. Dont want the naughty ones in the family album.


:joy::joy::joy: very true.

Fortunately, when I do take spicy snaps I immediately transfer them to a “holding” folder before moving them into the locked folder on my phone.

This prevents them getting uploaded. And also stops them getting mingled in with all my other photos when I take them out of my locked folder.

Work smart, not hard. :raised_hands:

Just re the content of a photo and to be honest ive done it on here, i always scope the background of pics, mostly because im curious of mind but also incase i think, hey! I know that vase and picture. The risk with such a big forum is that someone you know is likely on it.
Then its an even bigger world on the web.
I know some folk dont mind but you definitely need precautions if you want to remain anon.
Love the air bnb idea :bulb:

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Watch out for distinctive bedding…curtains and your headboard too…

Like others have said…pictures…rugs. Decor.

The obvious are scars and tattoos. Jewellery…watches.

Look at it then look again as if you are looking for ways of identifying yourself.