What are you currently doing? (Oct19-Feb21)

Drying my hair and loosing the will because it takes forever! Thick haired girlies will feel my pain here a personal hairdresser is my dream :joy:


Iā€™m off to bed now, if i stay up longer and drink any more, iā€™ll end up breaking so many rules! :wink:



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Yeah, youā€™re up late - itā€™s usually only me and @wildflower at this time of night. Itā€™s been fun - sleep tight!

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Making the most of my time off, iā€™m usually on here just after most of you have gone to bed! :slight_smile:


Watching how bad things are at our local hospital on Good Morning Britain :frowning:

When I was young I had thick curly hair, it was horrible, I couldnā€™t brush It & it used to get tangled up all the time, as soon as I was allowed i couldnā€™t wait to have it cut short. For years now I shave it to No.1 at the sides and No. 2 on the top.

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I know what you mean @WillC, the poor staff are worth their weight in gold. My OH had a scruffy rude woman in her shop yesterday with no mask, coughing all over the place, no wonder weā€™re in a mess.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Good idea, if you set one up Iā€™ll add them both to the big guide :slight_smile:

My sister is working on the high dependency ward at our other local hospital, i really do worry for her. One of her colleagues died of Covid last year, a young lady with a young family.


Oh god thatā€™s awful @WillC, I really hope sheā€™s ok :slightly_frowning_face:

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Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


Watching Netflix. Seems to be all Iā€™m doing at the moment.

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Woke up with a blurry dream still formed in my head, which is now forming the back story for my NSFW game as I write furiously before it fades.

Iā€™m excited to talk shoes (and snap some too)
Is this what you meant?


Working online.


With you there @Knight1119 WFH

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Home, relaxed, donā€™t have to worry about work for another 22 hours. About to get dinner on the go. Aaaand calm!


Heading back to work until 6 after my :syringe: vaccine


Just been having a bit of a laugh on our team WhatsApp group for work. Apparently the disabled toilet is blocked and one of our team has logged the job. I couldnā€™t resist saying it was someone ā€œLoggingā€ that caused the problem, then the group chat descended into a frenzy of poo puns! Yes, weā€™re THAT immature! :rofl: