What is your personal best review?

Lovehoney would say this, as it won ROTM


But my personal favourite is this


This very hard lol so many good review i cant decide lol.

Easily my Parisienne review. I tried not to overedit myself too much, as I do worry I've been sounding like a broken record for a year. But eight people clicked that it was helpful so yay.


I love this one: https://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=39463&reviewid=232886#customer_reviews

But this was a runner-up ROTM: https://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=36229&reviewid=232288#customer_reviews

Lovehoney says it was these - both runners up for Review of the Month:



But my favorite is this one:


I really dislike reading my own reviews as I wish I cam across more eloquently. My latest reviews seems to of been pretty helpful to people though which makes me really happy https://www.lovehoney.co.uk/product.cfm?p=38897&reviewid=236131#customer_reviews