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New additions to Lovehoney’s Late Night Liaisons Range. Brazilian knickers, a thong and a new bra set. The bra set is available in wine, bright blue and hot pink colours. All the pieces are crotchless but they don’t obviously look it.

I have the bra set in wine and I LOVE it and would thoroughly recommend it! The reviews (at least on my phone) aren’t displaying at the moment but you can read my review of the bra set here if you wish.


Absolutely loving these new knickers :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: need need need!!!


I love both the front, sides and back of this new Oh La La Cherie Bra Set especially how the, presumably elasticated, bra back strap is mirrored in the waist band … might wait on a couple of reviews re size first, but it’s definitely going in my Wish List :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


What a gorgeous piece of lingerie @Peitho I think it will be on everyone’s wishlist.

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Is anyone else extremely intrigued about this new sex toy on the market? It does have a lot going out but it sound absolutely fantastic


Ooh, I was so tempted by the previous non arm version but ended up going for the Twitch instead price wise.

I do love the look of this new one though. As you say, there’s a lot going on but if it all fits it would be amazing!

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Ooh, I like the look of these vibrating nipple clamps too! Added to saved list :white_check_mark:


They look really interesting to me too, have to say. Nice to see different nipple toys appearing. And it having remote play is really cool.
Makes me wonder id it gets the same “make patterns” function like other lovense toys, because that could be amazing.

Noticed theres a thrusting dildo in the mix by them too which looks very interesting


Ohh, I love that Lovehoney now have their own version of the Fantasy for her… and that it’s cheaper… and that being LH own brand it will probably be on sale at some point too :tada:

Good informative reviews from @JoCat , @wildflower and @Kitty-Cat01 as well​:+1:


This toy is incredible! I’m so glad its finally out so I can recommend it to everyone. Honestly my favourite toy ever.

Great reviews from the @wildflower and @Kitty-Cat01 love @Kitty-Cat01’s suggestion of having the handle vibrate through the pump. I actually never thought of that and I’ll definitely be giving that a go.

If I knew in advance what this toy was going to be like, I’d definitely spend the money on it for sure.


I’ve also been looking at this toy and each review written for it seems brilliant. I think it will be my next purchase


Hmm, liking the look of the We-vibe Sync O. I have never liked the C-shape We-vibes (admittedly opinion based on the very first one they released), the one we had was very uncomfortable to wear out and about and totally impossible for use during PIV. This, with a soft O-ring looks potentially soooo much better! Based on other We-vibe toys we have the brands vibrations have also improved over time so maybe worth a revisit? :thinking:

Any reviewers who can give a comparison between this one and the previous C-shaped ones? Tagging a few names from the forum… @G_and_S , @jayandrach , @Davy_Brown, @AverageJoe_andCo , @CoffeeCouple

@CoffeeCouple does mention the previous models but I suspect liked them more than I did :rofl:, is there a big difference in wearability with this one? I suspect the later models of the traditional style were still improvements on the first.


That does sound good, I love the idea of C shaped vibes but the one I have slips out too easily and makes it more annoying than fun.

I thinght it was a cock ring at first and was thinking that would keep it inside, but its not! Definitely intrigued by it and love the colour.

I will just say it’s a vast improvement on older models and the O holds things in place sooooo much better during…… well pretty much anything :joy: I think the app was quite good too will just take some getting used too :sweat_smile:

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We were blown away by the O model, not so much for the O shape, but the vibes were really really great compared to the c shaped ones we have (the app was fab for the variety of patterns/intensities). It did seem to fit Mrs Joe a little better during PIV than c shaped models, but still not amazingly comfy.


The Womanizer Next!!!

I have been waiting sooooo long for this to launch so we could talk about it. This suction toy is sensational and for me, a serious upgrade, on all that have come before!

You can read my review and @For_Your_Eyes_Only_x 's in the My Reviews thread. There are also excellent, informative reviews (though you’ll have to scroll through a lot of not very helpful ones to get to them) on the product page from forum members, @Calie , @JoJoXxX , @Bonzo2020 , @Labyrinth , @Spoonerism , @ChloJakes , @PrettyKitty24 , @G_and_S , @Petrichor and @Sappphire . I’m sure most of us would be happy to answer any questions. I found it most interesting reading @Petrichor 's review. I think I love this Womanizer so much more than other models I have used partly because of the depth feature but also because of the different head shape, @Petrichor didn’t get on with this new head shape, which I think goes to show just how important it is to find a suction toy that correctly fits your clit. Anyone, who’s tried a suction toy and doesn’t get on with it, maybe it’s just a case of finding one with the right size and shape head (and power level) for your particular anatomy?


@JoCat , thought I’d reply here so as not to derail the other thread but yeh, totally agree. The last few Womanizer launches on LH have had the useful reviews right at the end because they are submitted earlier. I think the other reviews are from Womanizers own test sample but provide zero useful information. I so miss the old LH shopping site when useful reviews could be voted up and you could then sort by “most helpful”. Pages of uninformative rubbish, albeit, glowing reviews are not at all helpful to potential purchasers.

In terms of your other comment, this toy, for me, is spectacular but yeh… the price tag is not so appealing :see_no_evil:


I’m slow to the party as ever… :joy: it’s a massive improvement over other c shape toys we’ve used. This is the only one we’ve managed PIV with and it’s much more comfortable overall. We were really impressed. Remote and app control much more stable too :+1:

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Thanks @BDSMKinkyCouple (and @G_and_S and @AverageJoe_andCo ). It’s definitely in my list but post Christmas, car and house insurance and today a full tank of heating oil, it’s going to have to wait for a sale :rofl:. As I said above, the original model was so uncomfortable out and about and PIV was impossible for us so it put me off C-shaped vibes for a veeeerrrrrry long time. This one does look a big improvement for what we need and very good to read it worked for you PIV when previous models did not @BDSMKinkyCouple .

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This is actually something we have just brought back! It’s currently only on the UK site, but it is back :smiling_face_with_tear: