What's your favourite?

being dominated absolutely love it when told what to do

wyf sex outside in day time or night time

Night time
Wyf anal toys or finger or fist

butt plugs

wyf method of wanking solo or in front of oh



Wyf body part

lower back

wyf guilty pleasure?

Watching pitch perfect

Wyf sport?

Swimming if taking part.....Snooker if watching

Wyf thing to eat on toast ?


Wyf hot drink

Hot chocolate.

Wyf actor or actress

Angelina Jolie

Wyf pancake topping?

Maple syrup

Wyf favourite flavour lube


Wyf gift to receive

My oh surprising me with her dressed in lingerie

Wyf website for porn?

Ultimate Whitecream an app inside KODI on my firestick.

WYF cheesecake?

Chocolate billionaire cheesecake

Wyf crisps flavour?

Salt and vinegar

Wyf type of cheese ?

Not a cheesy person so maybe a smoked cheddar.

Wyf biscuit

Milk chocolate hob nobs (but I'm choc free for March)

Wyf quiz show


Wyf hot drink ?