2024 sex goals šŸ„…

If it was just up to me then the list would be quite long, but would definitely include -

Sucking my first cock
Arranging for a Bull to have sex with my OH
Go to a swingers club
More pegging
More ā€˜spontaneous kinkynessā€™ eg Watersports/pantie wetting
Totally switch to wearing panties every day

More orgasms for my wife.
Fewer orgasms for me.
More impact play (on me).
More watersports (on me).
Wearing my womenā€™s knickers and gaff out of the house.
Her wearing her mens pants and packer out of the house.

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For us I would like us to:
1.Fulfill his pegging fantasy.
2.Buy some new toys.
3.Get healthier for better playtime.
4.Take a Staycation in Town.
5. Try old and new sex trends but first I need to see what they were in years past.
6.Have a nice Vday dinner and act like a couple of raunchy teens and flirt with each other like we normally do lol.


We said we are going to make more time for sex this year and plan more nights away etc

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New toys?
Strap-on / dildo drilling?
New lingerie?
New positions (deck of cards)?
More of it?
More oral?
More masturbation?

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Get back into swinging. Iā€™ve really missed the social side, meeting like-minded people.

Use a larger variety of my sex toys instead of always using womanizer toys.

I love this idea! My husband is on a business trip at the moment but he gets back tomorrow and weā€™re having our Valentineā€™s Day on Friday so Iā€™ll be sure to ambush him then :joy:

I think the bar pick-up will be on our list but Iā€™m quite nervous for what else he might like to try. Lucky I trust him!


To make it fun again and take the pressure off us both :blush:


Well, my husband finally agreed to one of my goals. Iā€™m gonna get bred on video! So, Happy Motherā€™s Day, Mom, youā€™re getting a revenge DVD! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Iā€™m also getting my VCH. Iā€™ve stayed away from it for years, but decided to do it since itā€™ll make my already huge clit look even bigger. I wanna look huge and hard when Iā€™m getting that cum inside me. :yum:

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We donā€™t really have any goals - except to make sex a safe space where we increase our connection, be open, vulnerable, silly and be willing to try new things.

For the last few years, we have managed to get at least two weekends away per year where stay in a hotel, have a great night out and bring a stack of lingerie and sex toys for bed adventures!

Our first one this year is in March. Iā€™m daydreaming about it already :lovehoney_heart:

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I think having a sex bucket list and/or goals for the year is a fab idea. It will hopefully allow you both to be more open as well as you both being able to let your imagination run free. I think you may be surprised at how much you can add to the list as you start trying different things.

Role play alone, you could come up with so many ideas that you may find you start fantasising about things where the reality could be risky. However, thinking ways of role playing a scenrio together can work. Whether the classic old handyman and damsel in distress, the butler being taken advantage of my the lady of the house, the gardener being caught masturbating on the job.

Generally taking more improptu opportunities to have fun, whether on a walk, driving home and pulling into a layby, etc.

Have fun adding ideas to the list and even more fun ticking things off the list. :smiling_imp::fire:

We have some additions.
I made a list on my phone in notes and she went through ticking the ones to start with

Oil boobs then tit wank ( weā€™ve never done that before)
Lift up her skirt knickers down if sheā€™s wearing them then bend over
Be laying naked on the bed when I get out the shower
Watch the good bits of 50 shades
Reverse cow girl with some beads
Sex up against the wall
Sex in front of the fire
Massage fantasy
To be tied up

There are lots more on the list when we get through these


Here is my list:

  • I would like to get a bit more risky.

  • Some outdoor/middle of nature things
    Yesterday i went to a sauna with bf, there was no one there and he masturbated me (not planned, just happened) soā€¦ that was new and very fun :sweat_smile:

  • I would LOVE to try and get a puppy play hood, colar and an OXBALLS plug tail, but those things are expensive for me, so it may not be this year sadlyā€¦

  • Explore a bit more fisting (bf loves to receive it)

  • I want to give more sensual massages, more time with soft music, relaxing oils and just skin to skinā€¦ i will also try to increase the mount of time cuddling after sex (lame i know i know)

  • To finish big here is a fantasyā€¦ i would love to have a session of pure abuse, (receiver) with bf and another one or two guys that can destroy me, i want to be used until Iā€™m numb and completely open, i want to be manhandled so hard Iā€™ll cry a bit, i want to end that night feeling like a rag doll, dripping from every hole i haveā€¦ and then, bf will grab me, massage me in the shower, and tell me in my ear that Iā€™m his little slut. I will fall asleep in his arms, completely exhausted. (sorry i let myself go, what was the question?)


@Scottishfunk What part of Scotland you from? Me and the OH are heading to Edinburgh for a weekend in April.
Have things changed for you and the wife much in the bedroom department? Hope thereā€™s been some improvement for you both :+1:t2::blush:

Hoping another M presents himself to play with OH and me including M on M; hoping another F presents herself to play with OH and me, try to get my head to accept anal for the first time, would like to find a giant c*ck just to see what I would really do with itā€¦


Same as @Scottishfunk but i know it ainā€™t happeningā€¦
@small_world be careful in the hot tub,mrs Pootle found that out (when we had a sex life!!!) and suffered the consequences many years ago!

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We are in Aberdeen. We just hit the grim milestone of over 2 years. Canā€™t see it improving anytime soon we sleep in separate rooms, she sleeps with my daughter. I drink to much every weekend to keep me feeling alive. Seems a waste of a semi good looking man with a decent size cock who always puts his wifes pleasure before his (not meaning to sound big headed).


@Scottishfunk have you tried therapy?
Sounds like a lengthy period of simmering resentment - familiar sounding.
If you arenā€™t happy - and we all deserve a shot at happiness - what can you try different to have a safe conversation with your missus about wants and needs?
Wanting a sexual relationship with your wife is not unreasonable - she will have her reasons why sheā€™s currently not interested but nothing will change unless you have some heart to heart discussion to find out what the problems are and how you might be able to break through them together.
Good luck :heart:

@Scottishfunk Thatā€™s a shame buddy!
There definitely needs to be some open/honest conversations between you both. Maybe you might be surprised at the outcome from your wifeā€™s perspective if any chats are hadā€¦ Who knows :man_shrugging:t2: but I empathise with your situation a lot.
Iā€™m hoping our weekend over to Edinburgh gives us the opportunity to hit some 2024 sex goals, open conversations between us have definitely put trying out new things on our radarā€¦ Reading plenty of the threads on the LH Forum have helped too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Get the kids minded and come up and join us (likely breaking some rules saying that) but itā€™d defo be helping with our goals :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::raised_hands:t2:

So guess my list to try-2024
First time us at swingers club( just dress sexy and watch to start i think, bit nervous)
Try find a guy/bull for me cause hubby wants to watch that happen and fun for me to.
More lingerie .
Have dare nights.
Try ffm for hubby.
Date nights alone .
nights where i can tease /flirt with others.
Photographer night, boudoir, nude ,couples and
maybe some playful shots if goes that way.
Us playing in front of voyour.
Far out think that list is already too big lol
Will pick our favourite and start from there hopefully.
So many good ideas from others awesome to read.