Hi everyone...I was wondering if there is a way of finding out how Lovehoney choose someone to be a sex toy tester.....is it based on how many reviews a person has already posted about already bought items, or the amount of topics posted on the forum? Or is it a random pick? Would love yo hear from sex toy testers themselves to try and dispel any myths/rumours out there. Have you ever received more than one item to test - say over a period of a year?
To me it would be awesome to be given the privilege to test a toy and review it...just wondering if it's worth building my hopes up of being picked...xxx
There's a fabulous thread pinned to the top of the forum about becoming a tester, it's well worth a read. I've had some wonderful testers in the past year (and some not so good ones, a vaginal tightening spray which felt like it'd set me on fire springs to mind!) You've got your sex toy testers wishlist, just make sure you keep it cleaned up regularly, removing things which have gone. Write lots of reviews, think of all the things you'd like to know when reading reviews and try to answer all those questions in your own. Then just keep everything crossed :-)
Thank you for the response MissBrownEyes92 - keeping everything crossed for the chance of being picked.
I'm hoping Lovehoney will list a "dildo robot machine" that needs testing and reviewed....they just look amazing....but sadly way too much out of my price range....but I'm sure are worth every Penny. X
Thanks Foxxy and my myGost for the advice...much appreciated. I never really thought about reviewing the not so good items.What a shame you didn't have a great experience with the tightening spray....but I'm willing to try anything once....
Negative reviews can sometimes be the most helpful ones, people like to see complete honesty, and saying what you didn't like about something and why you didn't like it can be really beneficial :-)
Thanks Foxxy and my myGost for the advice...much appreciated. I never really thought about reviewing the not so good items.What a shame you didn't have a great experience with the tightening spray....but I'm willing to try anything once....
Put it this way, if you weren't sure about buying something wouldn't you prefer there to be a review or three informing you of both the positive and negative qualities of the product? Its the same reason you don't buy something after reading a single review since we all have our individual likes and dislikes and a single review may not match up to your possible experience with the same thing.
Just make sure to explain why something doesn't work for you since specific details will help other people decide on whether those issues are a dealbreaker or not for them. Honesty really is the best policy!