Advice on using the rabbit vibrator please :)

Hi Everyone,

I bought the Desire Luxury Recharchable Rabbit Vibrator recently and absolutely love it! It's my first rabbit vibrator (and second overall toy with the first one being a ushape couples toy I bought from amazon - big mistake).

I have used the rabbit vibrator for a couple months and it feels amazing - I never thought how powerful those rabbit ears could be. My question for you guys is how do you guys get the best out of your rabbit vibrator to orgasm? Any special lubes you use or a certain position that works the best?

Also any other Toys recommendations that I should look out and save up for my next purchase would be helpful ![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif)

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In regards to lube everyone is different! I have had partners who love the tingle and warming and also been with people find the warming painful!

Thanks Bigred91 - I will have to try out different lubes :D