Always going to do what I do, and glad to be doing it too. Not bad for a random idea in the queue in ASDA but then as a businessman yourself you probably all too well what that’s like
Actually we talked last night about setting up a Discord channel in the new year, so that’s on the schedule for this time next week. I’m a bit out of touch with that sort of thing but Master is quite sociable so he’ my appointed social media guy, and I’m sort of his boss, in a rather bizarre turn of events
Rewards program? This is news to me. How is that different from an affiliate program, with which I haven’t had much luck before? Forgive my naivety, I told you I’m a bit fresh-faced when it comes to gamer speak
If your moderators do okay keeping the riff raff out or potential bad eggs they could be rewarded every so often with incentives. They are your trusted lieutenants and also bring safety and creativity to keep things how you want the channel to be.
Welcome (officially) to the forum @JGood! I used to be a regular here but life has gotten in the way recently and I’m more of a reader than a contributer these days.
I wish you all a Haply New Year, may it be the best for you and your families. Any road bumps are lessened with fellowship and family with friends to support you at every step.
I’d never heard of them before either until I bought a carrot cake bar from somewhere and they substituted it for a brookie. I wasn’t sure about it at first and then it grew on me.
A baking channel on the Discord server, I’ll make a note sir