Anal hygiene

I am aware this has probaly already been asked but I am never good at searching forums and I would rather ask anyway.

I am a intermediate butt plug and anal toy user but will probably end up using bigger and longer toys, especially with my wife. I have been luck so far in that my wife has not had to see things that she doesnt want to, however I have, esspecialy with long term wear (I am un phased but i know she wont be).

Is it worth me getting somthing to clean myself out? How often should I use it? And what should I get if I do need somthing like that?

You'd need an enema kit. Luckily, there is plenty of info online as it's a genuine medical relief of constipation etc. As to frequency - guidelines vary but generally not more than once a week if needs be. Use a few hours before play as it can take a while for all fluids to fully drain.

Theolain wrote:

I am aware this has probaly already been asked but I am never good at searching forums and I would rather ask anyway.

I am a intermediate butt plug and anal toy user but will probably end up using bigger and longer toys, especially with my wife. I have been luck so far in that my wife has not had to see things that she doesnt want to, however I have, esspecialy with long term wear (I am un phased but i know she wont be).

Is it worth me getting somthing to clean myself out? How often should I use it? And what should I get if I do need somthing like that?

An enema is quite an extensive proceedure, most people find that they can avoid the problems you mention simply by avoiding anal play a few hours before and after opening their bowels. If you want to be really sure, a quick douche takes a minute or so, and can be used as often as you like.

I tend to find that even when I havent emptied my bowls for a few hours there is sometimes still stuff there. And how can you plan a few hours before going to the toilet?

i take the head of the shower and use that. if your shower reaches the loo you can do it that way but if like mine it doesnt just fill up, old it in and reliece on the loo or elce just clean out the bath after.

as mentioned tho, dont clean imediately before as that can dry you out a bit.

also, maintaining a heathy diet rich in fiber can help as going regulaly and properly will ensure your completly empty and helps with planning when to not have anal.

I am gonna hijack my topic here for another related question.

Is there anything I can do with stained anal toys to clean them up a bit and.... well make them less stained

As Postillionager says a douche is quick and easy. It does not have the issues with re-absorbing large quantities of water that the full-blown enema has. Because you are only putting water into the rectum a little induced flatulence (by putting some air in using the douche and expelling it) can clear the residual water out and your good for immediate action. I'm a long-time pegee and I have never had an issue with unwanted items intruding on our fun.

I have IBS and also side affects from long term medication mean I get loose stools quite often. I do a douche but I couldn't garuntee there wouldn't be anything there- especially as I tend to go for a number two several times a day. Somethimes you just have to accept your body and so does your partner. You could try having a little douche to wash out each time after you have a poo. Diet does help as well but only to a point depending on the reasons why.

We’ve never used an enema. She “goes” before we have anal and washes good. I’ve never had any “stuff” come out on my penis. but very soon after I cum and take my penis out, we head for the shower to wash thoroughly after she pushes my cum out in the toilet.
Once my penis touches her butthole, I don’t let it touch her vagina.

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