Anyone else heard of and do syntribation?

Basically ever since i was young i only learnt to masturbate doing this method which i onmy recently found out had a name.

Basically its act of squeezing your legs together or crossed in order to get a orgasam. I basically have to have my legs out straight and squeeze them together and tense up quite alot whilst i play with my clit in order to cum.

Its not exactly all unicorns and rainbows though because by only ever learning this it makes it much harder to orgasm by typical more normal ways.

Ive been learning to orgasam without doing this and i sometimes can when using certain toys but ill still find myself squeezing my legs together and tensing alot.

I wish id not learnt this method at all as i feel like im cursed or something. Does anyone else cum this way? I know via reddit ive found out loads of people do but i thought id ask on here.

Take care x


Never heard of it, but it isn’t unusual to tense up during orgasm.

Yes, but i never knew there was a name for it! I could only orgasm in this way for many years. Unfortunately it has led to very tight pelvic floor muscles which has caused other issues for me. I have now learnt how to orgasm without doing this but it takes me a lot longer. At first, it would take me 1 and a half hours to orgasm without using this method, now it’s about 30 minutes on average. There’s no problem with using this method usually, but I was unfortunate that it caused me other problems in the long run. Is there any reason why you want to find other ways to orgasm?

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I’ve not heard of this by name or by the method. How did you learn of this?

Very interesting :thinking: I’ve never heard of this before

I find that I build up tension when getting close to orgasming, so much so that my pelvis raises quite a bit off the surface… and my legs go straight and tight but only when I’m actually orgasming… so straight and tight that I sometimes get a leg cramp :joy::joy: don’t think that’s the same thing though. Off to google I go :sweat_smile:

Edit: so I just googled and yes hands free orgasms… havent done this but I have been at work with my legs crossed and thought oh that’s quite nice and started to grind(?) a bit but never led to an orgasm.

Heya hun because of when with my partner i dont want to have to do syntribation i want to orgasam more naturally ratger than feel like im forcing it out via the extreme squeezing and tensing you see. Xx how did you learn to do it in a more natural way?

Reddit believe it or not. I thought i was all alone and weird but was stunned to find many have been the same.


Its not always hands free i know as a child i learnt hands free i dont know how… but obviously as i ages i went on to use my hands and now toys as well.

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That makes sense, I felt the same way. I spent time alone and went back to basics, fingers only and experimented with what I liked. The first few times were frustrating because i couldn’t orgasm even after an hour or more but eventually it just happened. It took an hour and a half but it happened. I think my body has adapted now and it takes a lot less time now. Fantasies, erotic fiction or porn also help to speed things up. I would definitely recommend experimenting on your own before trying with a partner.

I really need to try harder and focus more on enjoying and feeling pleasure rather than aiming for the end goal quickly and multiple times. Next time i play im going to start practicing to take it slooooowly and go from there. Im 36 now i dont want to have to akways orgasam this same way i want to have my legs spread and relaxed and let it naturally come. Fingers crossed!!

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I hope you work it out! Be patient, it’s frustrating at first but worth it in the end :blush:

Gonna be hard not to go wanting to use toys but ill definitely try it!!

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One of my early GFs used to do this. I could never make her cum but when she got the bus home she always finished in this way because of the bus vibration and touching her nipples up.