Anyone had a sudden increase in sex drive?

I’m slightly older but not had sex for 10 years - until recently. Now I’m making up for lost time in terms of lingerie, toys, positions and filth!!!

I almost appreciate the drought years as I am now far more open to exploring anything and everything as think try it once, if don’t like it then don’t do it again :woman_shrugging:t2: not found much I won’t do again yet though :joy::joy:


You grasp things and enjoy. Go for it. @Honeycurl


Hello @Hott , welcome to the forums . Unlucky for us , my wife lost all drive many years ago in part from disability and medications . Enjoy your new found horniness !


So true, it does dip and dive throughout life. But it does seem to me that there are so many things to go to now that were not available just a few years ago. The internet has made sex so available, the sex toy industry has blossomed. As someone who is BI and loves to suck cock and a clitoris, I see so many other people doing the same, it validates it in some crazy way.


Myself and MrsToysrus had a few ebbing years, relationship wasn’t great at the time and me being a night shift worker didn’t help, we made some big changes in our life and communicated better, said the things we want to try but were too afraid to ask before, and like others have said joined this forum and our toy selection has grown from a bedside table drawer to a great big ottoman! Life gets on the way sometimes still but we make sure we put some time for ourselves still, but to answer the original question, yes mine is like it was when I was in my twenties again!


Yeah probably. Can’t complain really, at least I’m not suicidal anymore :blush:


Hiya @Hott :wave::wave:

Welcome to the forum


Indeed your so true, it’s like sex has become one with daily life more than it ever used to be back when anything sexual was taboo to talk about

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@Mrs.John I find that time off work increases sex drive curious to know it’s not just me- maybe I need to change jobs! Thanks :+1:





I literally had this happen to me 2 weeks ago! Barely any libido for years then BOOM all at once I just couldn’t get enough :relaxed: it was even putting me off work lol
It’s calmed a bit now but I’m hoping it comes back again like that soon. I’m wondering if it’s maybe an age thing (43) or maybe it was the full moon :wolf:
Enjoy! xx


I was around the same age as you are now when it happened to me, it was during the first lockdown. I couldn’t get enough of the husband, he thought it was great that i was now wanting all that sex.
I have calmed down a bit since then but we still have a very good active sex life and now have lots of LH toys where i was never interested in sex toys before.


Me & my wife turn 40 this year & my sex drive is off the chart & my wife’s is basically non existent, so I’m hoping her sex drive goes through the roof at some point :pray:t2:


It’s a cold day here on the Atlantic coast, by myself and all I can think about is sex. Looked at some porn, will masturbate in a few minutes. Plan to turn on the fireplace, get completely nude, stroke until I cum into my martini glass, add an olive and some Absolute and enjoy Happy Hour.

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Me! I’m 42 been with my husband for 17 years. Sex has always been good. Roughly once a week as I was always tired (work/kids) but good none the less. But the past few weeks OMG, I can’t keep my hands off him. When he’s working I’m constantly thinking about what I want to do to him (v distracting) We are becoming more adventurous too, everything seems to have moved up a level. I feel like I’m permanently wet! He can’t believe the change!


Sounds great @Lulu1980 :blush:

Just adding another level to what was already a happy sex life.

Looks like LH might get some spontaneous purchases during those thoughtful working days :hugs:.


Yes, been married for 25 years and just turned 50, oh 55. We have had a rather long lull in the sex life due to stress of life etc and truthfully i am very vanilla (think thats the term) and sex drive never been high.
Since started perimenopause omg my sex drive/libido is through the roof, like another coment, if i am alone i cant stop thinking about sex, sex toys or mastrubation and trying new things. Lh i love.
Its great and hope it stays as feel it is adding additional happiness to my life.


I bet he is not complaining long may it last. Enjoy every moment. @Lulu1980


@Daisy1982 I’ve got an order arriving today actually!


@steve19 just hoping he can keep up!

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