Anyone using Firefox on android

I decided to try out Firefox and come across a problem when replying to a topic the reply box is huge there is no way to resize it, I have to tick enable use desktop site. Because it’s so huge you don’t get the pannel on the right showing you the preview of what you are writing.

Has anyone come across this in Firefox?

Sorry Microsoft Edge user here. There appears to be a few old threads on the subject, so perhaps it is a known problem.

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I didn’t think about searching as I thought it might be me. I will have a search​:+1:

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I think it’s a issue between Discourse and Lovehoney, I have noticed the same issue with the large reply box on another Discourse forum, but I would say Lovehoney has a problem with Firefox as it also doesn’t display the settings tab in the reply box properly.

Definitely Goodbye Firefox on android as its too slow and plus the problems I’m having on here.

This might be useful for anyone running into the same problems.

I use Firefox and noticed the giant reply box, I just thought that’s how it’s supposed to be, so I just gotten used to it.

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@EmThom92 Unfortunately that’s not how it’s supposed to be, it should start small and to the right side you will have a preview pane of what you are writing, so it makes it easier for you to see what your reply will look like hopefully without mistakes :joy: You can also adjust the box from small to large. Firefox just goes straight to large.

Ohh alright! It does make it difficult to remember what I am replying too, but just means I really have to concentrate and not lose focus when responding.

I’ve gotten used to it, but good to know,I could just use a different browser!

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Yes try another browser to see how much better it is​:+1:

On mobile, the preview pane isn’t visible all of the time like the desktop version. There’s a screen icon in the lower right corner where you can toggle between the composer and the preview (and a pencil icon to bring you back to the composer again).

@Ian_Chimp Are you talking about just Firefox?

It would be handy for you to use Firefox to see what’s going on, Definitely a problem with this site. No preview pane, automatically opens up full and no way to adjust it.

Mobile version of Chrome and Samsungs browser acts exactly like the desktop version no need to adjust anything it’s just there straight away.

All mobiles should be similar and have the preview as a separate button rather than a side-by-side (to maximise the writing space).

This is my view from iPhone/Safari:

Is this not what you’re seeing?

I use both Chrome and Samsung browser on my Android and they act like @Ian_Chimp describes not like they do on a desktop. The preview is always separate. I don’t use Firefox on my phone, though know it can be very glitchy, so can’t help with that.

@Ian_Chimp I can only go by android as they are better than I phones lol

With android Chrome I get the small box just like you have but to the right is the preview pane.

Firefox doesn’t show the small box it fills the screen and there isn’t any way to make it small and because it fills the screen there is no preview pane.


Edit: :open_mouth: I don’t use my phone when I’m on this forum I use my Tablet it seems I am right and I am wrong. On my Tablet I get the preview pane Firefox doesn’t.

If I use my phone there is no preview pane in chrome. That is strange :person_shrugging:

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Android Chrome by default on my Samsung Phone:

Android Chrome while scrolling without keyboard but with reply box:

Android Chrome in preview:

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@Peitho look at my previous reply with my sneaky edit

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So, do Firefox and Chrome both appear the same if you’re using your phone rather than your tablet?

Agreed :joy:

@Peitho I only have chrome on my phone but over the weekend I will put Firefox on my phone and see if it acts the same as chrome. it’s strange that my Tablet is acting like the desktop version, maybe it’s because it’s a bigger screen it’s acting like the desktop even though it shouldn’t.

Looking on my tablet I have two little arrows at the bottom right if I tap it then it removes the preview pane.

Screenshot from my tablet


That’s right. :+1: If your browser window is big enough it’ll show the preview at the same time, and using a tablet would trigger that too.

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@Ian_Chimp Thanks, I hate using my mobile for any forums so I naturally thought something wasn’t right. Looks like Firefox still doesn’t behave right on my Tablet perhaps it doesn’t know it’s a bigger screen. Well that’s all cleared up now.

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