Anyone who doesn't masturbate?

Just wondered if there was anyone out there there, or couples, that don’t need to or choose not to masturbate?

We both did, and I still do it daily usually, but my boyfriend has been on medication for 2 years now and doesn’t get any urge or need to do it now. Just wondered if anyone else didn’t do it for any reason or anyone was getting enough PIV that they didn’t need to? :smile:


My oh is usually daily. I never really feel the urge I’ll do it as a show for her or if she wants me to direct my cum over her body.

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We both do, so can’t offer much to this thread.

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I don’t always feel a desire to masturbate. I’m very much the more I do it, the hornier I feel but I’ll only masturbate if I’m horny. Bit of a catch 22.


I masturbate almost exclusively when my wife is traveling away for work. Otherwise, we do have sex near daily and I prefer to save myself for the times we’re together. I can only think of once recently where I was having an angsty, agitated day working from home and she was too busy with work to fit in a quicky and I let her know I was going to go masturbate to try and manage myself.

Even when I was in the active throes of porn addiction, it was never for masturbation and release but distraction and escapism.

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I do when I’m allowed or ordered to do so but it can be weeks between masturbation sessions (or it can be 2 or 3 times a day for a week if she’s in the mood for some entertainment).

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My husband doesn’t. Literally never seen it or heard about it. But then, he’s got 5 of us to play with. :laughing: I hardly ever do it, because I have much better orgasms with a partner. Masturbation is an absolute last resort, unless I’m just doing it to tempt a partner into playing with me. My other partners do it minimally, to varying degrees. I see GF do it only rarely. Again, enough partners not to need it I guess.

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We don’t really bother to be honest. I will if the oh is out the house for the night or something, I will make some proper alone time but to be honest we play together enough. The oh says she not really that bothered about doing it I do encourage her to do it and say I would like it if she played with her self.


I do but I am 99.9% sure my wife does not, she does not have the desire to do so. We are both very very happy with life.

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I do nearly daily. Have thought about giving it up but think I would miss it. My wife does when she’s away working and maybe once or twice a week I reckon when she gets some time to herself. I sometimes masturbate solo ij the morning then have sex with my wife late evening which feels like a good day at the “office” but can see why some people might not want to especially due to medication :hugs:

As a vintage gentleman during the summer it is at least once a day . Winter time I will remind myself to several times a week . My wife is inactive , so masterbating is my release . My theory is use it or lose it . Studies have found that to reduce the chance of prostrate cancer a gentleman should cum something like 20 + times a month . Why risk it ? Not sure of the medical benefits for women . I also suspect lack of ejaculating may lead to reduction of testosterone .

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OH knows I do but just not how often. I would tell him if he asked there’s no secret… he’s just never asked :woman_shrugging: I’ve asked him a couple of times throughout the years and he’s said he doesn’t, but surely he does! I’ll have to ask him again :sweat_smile:

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We can’t imagine life without masturbation. It is a part of our sex life both solo and together whether we watch each other satisfying our needs or helping each other to reach orgasm. It’s a healthy part of an adults life.

When I had sex education our teacher told us that 90% of people masturbate and the other 10% are liars. :joy:


I haven’t for about 15 years,I don’t know why but as soon as I became a Dad and our first child came in the house it just started to feel a bit weird to me.Get up to plenty with my wife and a lot more too as the years have gone by so I wouldn’t say I miss it either.


If I don’t make the effort I could easily not need to play just for the same reasons of being on meds but I find it makes my mood drag a bit

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I had a mate who said he didnt like masturbating. I never really understood it :slight_smile: He said it wasnt the same as sex so he didnt bother. He was always reliant on women then though. Like he always had to be with someone, even if it wasnt right for him.
I had a time during pandemic where I was on anxiety medication and had trouble cumming, with my Wife or on my own. Worst time of my life! I came off the medication as soon as. Life is too short not to cum! I’m 50 but atill love to masterbate.
When I was a teenager I never thought I would still be wanking over age 40 :slight_smile:


My husband doesn’t masturbate. He’s on the honor system but I can tell if he’s masturbated


We have always been very open about this and both of us have been very regular masturbators for a long time and we both enjoy it. I also went on anxiety medication during covid for over a year and found that my thoughts about masturbating and need to do it just kind of went away. It seemed very strange that I just didn’t feel the need to do it. I didn’t really enjoy the medication at all either so stopped with it and things got back to normal a few weeks after this :grinning:


We both do, solo and together. No real pattern to it, but for some reason feel the urge more in really warm weather. Both for sex and masterbation.
My desire fir rises and falls throughout a month , which might relate to rise and fall of hormone levels i suppose.?
I do much more than my wife, which receives a mock scold. :point_up:finger wagging.


Whats the honor system @Jen13579 ?