Ass and Vagina toy Cleaning

It´s a vagina and ass toy but I don´t know how to dry the inner orificies. In it´s default sitting position it has the holes facing upwards meaning water will not naturally drip out. It has two other holes on the flat end of the toy which I thought are the openings to flush out the fluids deposited in the toy. But I ran my fingers through and they seem to be closed off, separate from the vagina and ass openings.

Instead they seem to be like holes to ´hook´the toy upright for the ass and vagina openings to face downwards? the holes are also naturally rather tight that air drying them isn’t going to really work naturally. The best way I could dry them at all was to stretch the openings and use a microfiber cloth to soak up the rinsing water left inside. But I’m afraid this would damage the toy after several times stretching the toy so wide.

Anyone know how to clean and dry these vagina and ass toys properly?


The only way we have found to dry them is position upstairs next to open window on the back off the house :house_with_garden: :joy: as not overlooked and let air blow through/across toy.


Hmm maybe wet wipes might be an option to clean the insides?
Alternatively you could look on the internet to see if there is a professional way we all should be doing to clean them as I’m sure when the toy developers made these they must have considered cleaning :thinking: