
I recently purchased the Love honey magic wand I stumbled across a porn film where the woman was using one with an attachment I cant find them on Lovehoney any help woukd be much appreciated

Here's the link to the wand attachments LH have

ThanksK&c30s much appreciated but the have not got the one I was looking for

Not sure what to suggest as it would be difficult to know what you saw and it would be against the forum rules to post links to a porn video... if you know what the product is called you could try asking for it in the Pander to me thread. or try and describe the product in a bit more detail in the hope someone here may know what it is.

Unfortunately, no one would be able to advise on another supplier for the particular attachment, if we do not sell it. Only ones we do sell.

But, you can request it on pander to me :)

Could you draw it or somehow get a screenshot and use it as your profile pic so Leanne would be to see what you're looking for?